world cup

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If Only Freedom Translated to World Cup Victory...

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Tim Howard's Yearbook Quote Is Quite Appropriate in Light of the USA vs Belgium Game

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These 230 Cancer Patient Kids Have a Special Message for the US Men's National Team Today

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Gif of the Day: A Paraplegic Makes the First Kick a the World Cup

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One World Cup Fan Won't Let a Little Thing Like "His Team Losing" Get Him Down

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If You Want to Understand What's Happening at the World Cup Right Now, Listen to the Sounds of This Neighborhood When Brazil Scores

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While All of Us Chumps Are Watching the World Cup on Terra Firma, the ISS Astronauts Have Better Ideas

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Even if He's Blind and Deaf, This Soccer Fan is Going to Get the Full World Cup Experience With the Help of Friends

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This is How Costa Rica and Greece React to the Human Drama of Their Teams' World Cup Performance

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Here is Everyone in the United States Freaking Out Over Their Victorious World Cup Game

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We've All Seen This Picture of the Distraught Brazilian Fan, but Not the One Where He Gave His Trophy Happily to a German Fan

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We've Found the Coolest Fan at the World Cup

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After Losing Their First World Cup Game, Japanese Fans Take to the Seats and Start a Riot of Cleanup

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Quick, Zoom in on the One in the Back!

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This is How the Brazilian Soccer Team is Going to Roll into the 2014 World Cup

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Just for the World Cup, Here's Some Samba With Household Instruments!

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