

Snap a photo, make that online photography class worth something. These punny snaps will have you putting a filter on your latest masterpiece in no time.

911 architecture new york photography tower Video view - 25203969

Tower-Makers WIN

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Bubble Reflection WIN

bubble mother nature ftw photography pretty colors - 5813987328

Fight Scene WIN

beach explosion photography - 5336734208

Bursting Your Bubble WIN

balloon bubbles g rated macro photography photography pop pretty colors win - 6514392832
Via Laughing Squid

Mother Nature FTW: Chili Pepper Carrying

animals ants mother nature ftw nature neat photography - 4822362880
Created by sixonefive72

CLASSIC: Meeting a Whale WIN

ocean photography scuba diving whale - 6514704896

The Streets of London, Hauntingly Empty and Beautiful on Christmas Day

Brother Nature FTW photography London - 8415631616
Via Laughing Squid

Disco-Bathroom at the Push of a Button

photography lasers selfie funny - 7753943808

This Magical Landscape is Just Another Day of Hot Air Ballooning in Cappadocia, Turkey

Balloons photography mother nature ftw Travel - 8235704832
Via Gypsy Joyce

Heavy Rains on Thick Ice Makes for One Impossible-Looking Photo

photography lake illusion - 8085502720

Photography Street Art WIN

art building camera huge photography Street Art wall art - 5304607232
Via Web Urbanist

Underwater Firing WIN

gun macro photography photography underwater weapon - 6619911680

Saying Hi WIN

animals huge ocean photography whale - 5783558912

Making a Bridge WIN

architecture balance bridge heights photography - 5742797824

Drive-Thru Bone Pickup

Via BalconesWinston

Amsterdam on Ice WIN

Amsterdam frozen Hall of Fame ice photography river - 5807353344
Via cafeteriafreiche

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