
Is that Thor's hammer or are you just ecstatic to see Marvel memes again? Whatever the case, you'll get your fair share of Marvel puns jokes and remixes that will have you chuckling the day away. So grab your Vibranium shield and your Iron Man suit and get ready to dive in.

90's Video Games

This Flood of 90's Era Video Game Print Ads Is a Welcomed Wave of Nostalgia


Sebastian Stan Shares His Thoughts on Possiblity for Captain America and Winter Soldier Romance

Thor marvel superheroes - 85223169

What's Thor Been Up To Since Avengers 2? Wearing Board Shorts and Hanging Out with Daryl

tom holland Thor marvel Spider-Man Video - 135942

Spider-Man Has Spoken, Where You At Thor?


Iron Man and Captain America Took a Timeout from Fighting One Another to Visit an 18-Year-Old Battling Cancer Who Should Be the next Avenger

marvel iron man captain america superheroes Video win - 79962113

This Is the Highest Quality Budget Movie Trailer for Captain America: Civil War, Possible


Marvel's Erecting a 13-Foot Giant Bronze Statue In Honor of Captain America's 75th Anniversary


This Is What Anna Kendrick Would Look Like as Squirrel Girl, and Marvel Needs This to Happen

tom holland marvel superheroes Spider-Man - 138758

Watch Tom Holland Break Out Some Serious Moves to Daft Punk's Doin' It Right

marvel superheroes Street Art nerdgasm Video - 59452673

An Entire Wall of Mighty Marvel Mural

Facebook suggestion no god beyonce marvel character

See What You Did There Facebook

trailers marvel guardians of the galaxy movies superheroes - 83955457

The Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2 Trailer is Here, and It's Incredible

marvel deadpool superheroes funny - 79921153

Holy Sh*t, If You Thought the Deadpool Movie Was Hilariously Raunchy, Wait Till You Watch This Uncensored Blooper Reel

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This Incredibly Detailed Iron Man Hulkbuster Toy Is Every Comic Book Fan's Dream

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Elektric Elektra Street Art!


J.K. Simmons Got More Ripped than a 22-Year-Old Personal Trainer When He Switched Sides from Marvel to DC to Play Commissioner Gordon in Justice League