
Make a list and never follow up on it. That's the way to procrastinate. Luckily you can just as easily procrastinate with a bunch of hilarious lists. Win-win.

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The Best Way to Get Out of a Parking Ticket is To Use Parking Logic

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Greatest Grandpa Gets His Grandbaby a Giant Teddy Bear and It's As Cute as You Imagine It

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Twitter Came up With Some Brilliant Titles for #DonaldTrumpTheMovie

Pokémon list - 224005

Real Life Poké Puffs Look Delicious

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This Photoshop Battle of an Upset Mother Is Truly the Greatest Wedding Gift the Internet Could Give

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Girl Puts Together Romantic Photoshoot to Express Her Love For Finally Getting a Job

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You Will Rethink Your Fast Food Meal After This Calculator Tells You How Long You Need to Run to Burn It Off


Someone Gave This Guy's Number Out on Tinder and He Reacted Perfectly

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Guy Messages Friends as He Sabotages Terrible Date Who Refuses to Put Her Phone Down

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Dating is Hard Nowadays, Let These Web Comics Caress Your Tender Heart

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The Way This Daughter Terrorizes Her Mother Over Text Is Cruel... But So Very Funny

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So, There's a Presidential Candidate Named "Deez Nuts" Who Has 9 Percent of the Vote in North Carolina So Far

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Flat Earthers Will Say That It's Photoshop

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If You're Full of All the #EatClean Posts on Instagram, This is the Break Your Feed Needs

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These 16 Web Comics Know How You Really Feel About Owning a Cat

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Adding a Movie to Another Movie Just to Ruin it is Actually More Fun Than Seeing Them