
Make a list and never follow up on it. That's the way to procrastinate. Luckily you can just as easily procrastinate with a bunch of hilarious lists. Win-win.

james fridman photoshop trolling

This Guy Is Blowing People Away With His Amazing Photoshop Skills

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These Weather Related Web Comics Will Remind You to Be Thankful for Sunny Days

list web comics Valentines day - 730373

These Love-ly Web Comics Are as Good as Any Valentine's Day Gift

list texas win school university - 704517

A Dead Cockroach Got the Shrine It Deserved (From College Students, in the Middle of a Hallway)

girl holding a falcon photoshops

Photoshop Battle of the Day: Menacing Girl Holding an Owl Gets The Reddit Treatment

wtf cosplay list - 687365

"Low Cost Cosplay" is Hilarious Proof That Anyone Can Cosplay With Any Budget

list shower troll texting sexy dating - 1114117

This Girl Saved a Weird Photo of Herself to Her Phone and She Finally Got to Use it to Troll Someone

Neil DeGrasse Tyson ponders what difference the reaction would be to an Alien visit from Clinton VS Trump and J.K. Rowlings says it would depend if the Alien has breasts or not.

Neil deGrasse Tyson Asked a Legitimate Question About Trump/Clinton Meeting Aliens and the Quick J.K. Rowling Had the Best Answer

alcohol booze drinking motivation list - 677125

Fitness Quotes Paired With Drinking Photos are Ready to Inspire a Night of Heavy Drinking

twitter list movies jurassic park - 667909

Twitter Generously Offered Up Some Realistic Plot Lines For a Jurassic World Sequel #RealJurassicParkProblems

customer service list facebook food win - 945669

Finding a Worm in a Salad Quickly Escalated into a Customer Service Story of Excellence

2016 election signs

The Weekend Before the Presidential Election Gave Us 10 Hilarious Church Marquee Signs

mothers day quotes

10 Quotes to Make You Appreciate the Moms in Your Life

funny boomers

Shots Fired On Twitter From Baby Boomers with #HowToConfuseAMillennial and They Did Not Like the Rebuttal

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Let Nihilist Lisa Frank Guide You Through This Mortal Coil

list text parenting win - 1129733

This Woman's Texts From Her Mother are So Supportive, Everyone Wanted to See if Their Mother Would Be as Supportive