

Prank of the Day: Someone Bought Anti-Gay Group’s Expired Domain Name, Redirected It to Gay pr0n

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This Seethingly Homophobic Congressman From Idaho Forgot to Renew His Website, So It Was Scooped Up and Turned Into a Resource for LGBT Youth

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Former St. Louis Rams Player Michael Sam Announces His Engagement in This Great Photo on Instagram

image hacked irl twitter Hacker Trolls ISIS Supporters by Making Their Twitter Accounts as Gay as Possible

Hacker Trolls ISIS Supporters by Making Their Twitter Accounts as Gay as Possible

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Anderson Cooper Has the Perfect Retort to the Reporter Who Ranted About Michael Sam

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This Conversation Between a 13-Year-Old Coming Out to His Best Friend is Absolutely Heartwarming

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"You're the Shame of the Family": A Father Rails Against His Daughter for Disowning her Gay Son. Bring a Tissue.

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Heart Warmer of the Day: Disney-Princess-Themed Engagement Shoot Encourages All to Create Your Own Fairy Tales

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Planet Fitness Gives the Boot to a Customer Who Was a Jerk to a Transgender Gym Goer

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This Jeopardy Contestant Just Brought Some Serious Sass to the Classic Game Show

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Win of the Day: Australian Busker Battles Homophobic Preacher With Music

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Restored Faith in Humanity of the Day: New Zealand Legislators Serenade Gay Marriage Amendment

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Crosswalk WIN

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Google Takes a Shot at Russia With its LGBTQ Olympic Logo


Got Any Comebacks for That?

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These Are the Questions a Dartmouth Student Wanted to Run by Conservative Texas Governor Rick Perry

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