

Warning Sign WIN

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Created by PositiveVibes

Just as Advertised WIN

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Via Reddit

Classic: No P WIN

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Created by sixonefive72

Missing Poster WIN

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Created by Unknown

Apple Ukulele WIN

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Classic: Clever Razor Advertising

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Via Reddit

Hacked IRL: Nothing Can Satiate His Hunger

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Via The Existential Penguin

That's a New Way to Serve Ice Cream!

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Hacked IRL: Road Warning WIN

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Created by Benzorg

Meanwhile in London of the Day: Bluth's Banana Stand is Going On Tour

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Scoring Some Major Points For This Cleveland Fan's Scoreboard Selfie

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One Irish Bar's Solution to Bathroom Graffiti is Equal Parts Clever and Fun

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Suggestion Number One:

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Via michaeldunworthsydne
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Escaping a Cliche WIN

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