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The King of Jordan Helped a Driver Got Stuck in the Snow. Let That One Sink in.

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The Whole Earth WIN

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With Robotic Cameras, This Photographer is Able to Make the Most Detailed Portraits You've Ever Seen

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Jerky Portrait WIN

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Just a Casual Game of Catch Me if You Can between a Professional Stunt Driver and Drone

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Nine Putts, One Hole

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High Winds? No Prob, Just Land the Catamaran as Usual.

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Watch Sculpture WIN

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This Impressionist Knocks It Out of the Park With 29 Different Impressions of Atypical Celebrities

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Looks Like Someone is Getting a Little Fast and Furious With Their Holiday Spirit

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This Fully-Automated LEGO Batman Set is the Geekiest Thing You'll See Today

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This is the 2013 World Yo-Yo Champion, and for Good Reason

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Three Years in the Making, the One World Trade Center is Open for Business

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The Happiest Chewbacca Lady Just Got a Bunch of Star Wars Swag So She Won't Have to Share Her Mask

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End Your Week With a Slow Jam From Jimmy Fallon and President Obama on His Legacy and the 2016 Election

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The Best Wedding Speech is Also a Britney Tribute