

Tom Holland Visits Children's Hospital Dressed up as Spider-Man

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Star Wars Meets Batman v Superman In This Badass Mashup

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This Dark Knight Video Explains Why Heath Ledger's Joker Was The Ultimate Antagonist

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Watch the Retro Trailer for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

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Tom Holland Melts Hearts Everywhere After Visiting NY Hospital Dressed Up as Spider-Man

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Star Wars Trailer Re-Edited for Suicide Squad Style Will Smack a Genuine Smile on Your Face


J.K. Simmons Got More Ripped than a 22-Year-Old Personal Trainer When He Switched Sides from Marvel to DC to Play Commissioner Gordon in Justice League

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Henry Cavill Went Disguised to Comic-Con and Pranked the Living Hell out of Suicide Squad's Will Smith

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Artist Creates Mechanized Versions of Your Favorite Superheroes and the Results Are Stunning

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Watch Suicide Squad's Cara Delevingne Try to Find Margot Robbie & Karen Fukuhara's Nipples

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Mark Hamill Recorded a Voicemail as the Joker, and It's as Twisted as We Could've Hoped For

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Comic Series Imagines If Comic Book Villains Had a 'Creamy Moral Center', and We Would Read the Sh*t out of This

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Justice League 'Sizzle Reel' Gives Us More Than We Could've Asked For

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Guy Manages to Cram 23 Contraptions into His Insane Batsuit and Earns Guinness World Record

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Crazy Mashup Puts Heath Ledger's The Joker Against Die Hard's John McClane and It's Amazing