
The finest cats on the internet. Here you can has cats, their cheeseburgers, and everything to do with the glorious feline persuasion. Whether you adore them from afar or have assembled your own army to assert world dominance, you will definitely appreciate these hilarious cat jokes puns and memes.

Cats napping which is what they do with that extra hour from daylight savings time

What Cats Would Do With Their Extra Hour of Sunlight

Cute cats - cover photo of cute cat covering eyes with cute furry paws

Dozens of Cute Cats and Kittens

original cat memes by i can has cheezburger users lolcats - thumbnail  includes two cat memes  one of a smiling happy cat"kittie contentment" and a black cat sitting in a chair"that awkward moment when you realize the chair isn't broken"

Top 25 Memes of The Week - Cheezburger Users Edition #167

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This Latte Art is Out of Control!

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History Books Are Purr-Fectly Replaced With Cats Using The Hashtag #CatHistory

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Your Cats Deserve a Climbing Wall too

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Watch Out, These Cats Will Beat Your High Score on Your iPad

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This Calgary Humane Society Wants You to Come On Down to the Biggest Used Cat Sale of the Season!

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Quirky Tweets & Funny Tidbits For Weekend Lounging

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A Mouse Laughs in the Face of Danger While Taunting a Cat That's Stuck Inside

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Watch Koko the Gorilla Adopt Two Cats and Ask for One to Be Put on Her Head

Cutest cats according to breed

Top Ten Cutest Cat Breeds

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It's a Real Kitten Beach Party for #WhiskerWednesday!

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London Constable Responded to a Little Girl's Letter About Police Cats in the Cutest Way Possible


This Badass Cat Is Taking Over a British Supermarket & Not Having Your Sass

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Gif of the Day: Cats Must Really Have Nine Lives Because This Kitty Escaped From a Burning, Collapsing Hotel