There, I Fixed It

there I fixed it

Much More Secure Than a Little Duct Tape

side mirrors cars there I fixed it - 7997207552
Created by 98AA89

No Corkscrew Required

knife wine funny there I fixed it - 7761438720
Created by anselmbe

No Ice? Get the Frozen Eye Mask!

soda there I fixed it - 7961586688

Did... Did You Just Print Out a Picture of a Headlight?

headlights car repairs g rated there I fixed it - 7353143296

There, I Baked It

cake funny there I fixed it pumpkins FAIL halloween - 7806407424
Created by Unknown

Increased Efficiency?

signs funny there I fixed it - 7456547072
Created by stoicjohn

Just Pull the Rope

cars there I fixed it rope - 7950532352
Created by Unknown

Transporting Drawings? No Portfolio Required!

zip ties duct tape funny there I fixed it - 7726419200
Via bigtimbers

What's Wrong With This Makeshift Heater Stand?

cardboard box fire hazard space heater funny there I fixed it - 7378049024
Created by erhelm ( Via Cheezburger iOS Builder )

The Most Organized and Delicious Smoker

The Most Organized and Delicious Smoker
Via insoh2

His Mechanic Doubles as a Carpenter

cars wood funny bumper there I fixed it g rated - 7767182336
Created by Unknown

Making the Best of Winter

beer there I fixed it winter - 7953615360
Via Dump a Day

That Should Do It

dads there I fixed it tape g rated - 7983262208
Via thecre8ivewon

There, I Paved It

FAIL pavement road work funny there I fixed it - 7518081024
Created by CosmosisJones

Go Around Obstacles, Not Through Them

gutter funny there I fixed it - 7797328128

Computer Hipsters: Chipsters

computer g rated hipsters Image mouse there I fixed it - 6492072448

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