
Make sure to check the tape, just make sure its not Spinal Tape. We might never get rid of that. Take your puns to the next level with these sticky puns and jokes all about tape.

cardboard Image McDonald's Professional At Work tape - 5534218240

McDonalds: I'm Fixin It

car packing tape tape Uncategorized windows - 4099070208


cars holding it up Image tape wtf - 4422419968

To Open the Trunk, Turn on the Wipers

clamps computers camera tape there I fixed it - 7875164416


driving dual use Image phones tape - 5448172544

You Can Take Away My License, But Not My Imagination

computer parts Image mouse tape technology - 4463688192

Not Sure That's How It Works

apple products clock dual use holding it up Image ipad tape technology - 4811591168

Yes. That is an iPad.

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