you had one job

You had one job to do.... Just one... And you blew it. So as you're pondering the mishaps and misdeeds that led you here, take solace in and enjoy some other people who really made a mess of things by screwing up just a simple job. You're not as alone as you think.

Stupid, useless and accidentally filthy designs | Anxiety Disorders Now Only $45.00 Entrance Next Door FAMILIAR business shopping window glass | WORLD'S LARGEST QUALITY TOY MANUFACTURE TRADE MARK ASS TOYS 200 FIFTH AVE NEW YORK company logo

Stupid, Useless and Accidentally Filthy Design Failures

Funny dirty and stupid design failures | tweet by starboots_ looking an app stabilizes time-lapse videos and uh would have maybe gone with different name. and logo. and just everything PRO LAPSE. FOR NICE REAR BARGAIN LEASE FITOUT PARKING RENT

Dumb Design Fails that Didn't Go as Planned

Stupid design fails made by people who had one job | red haired child holding a water gun backwards. wooden pillar blocking the way in a hall.

Dumb Design Fails Made by People Who Had One Job

Funny, filthy and stupid design fails.

Dumb and Ridiculous Design Failures with Room for Improvement

Funny pictures of failed attempts.

People's Various Attempts That Failed to Work Out

Funny signs and bad design fails.

Stupid and Incomprehensible Signs and Designs

Sign and design fails.

Really Not Good Signs And Designs

Funny design fails and mistakes.

Design Fails That Need Some Time To Better Themselves

Fails, crappy designs, and other mistakes from people who had one job.

Unprofessional Times People Messed Up Their One Job

pics of instances of horrible design fails that will make you wonder what they were thinking

Design Fails That Could've Used Some Extra Thought

design fail

25 Dumb and Weird Design Fails by People Who Had One Job

crappy design fails

25 Funny and Stupid Design Fails That Needed Some More Thought

pics failure pictures FAIL funny pics you had one job one job ridiculous dumb funny stupid - 8638213

20 Stupid Times Someone Failed at Their One Job

design fail

29 Weird and Dumb Design Failures to Fill Your Fail Pail

design fails, headline that reads wild milf instead of wild mile

27 Dirty, Stupid and Weird Design Failures

wtf design fails

25 Design Failures that Released the World's Inner Stupid