
'Delivery driver insists on delivering not-my-food': Delivery driver won't take no for an answer with person who didn't order any food

'Delivery driver insists on delivering not-my-food': Delivery driver won't take no for an answer with person who didn't order any food

reddit malicious-compliance contractor money expensive california customer custom client measurement wrong incorrect construction house building

'Trust me, just do it': Contractor scores $12,000 extra on a job because a know-it-all client insists his measurements are accurate; they are not

'I had to explain to a girl that penguins were not fish': 20+ People who were incorrect about basic information

'I had to explain to a girl that penguins were not fish': 20+ People who shared their impressively dumb ideas out loud

Courrier Kevin will die on the code hill

'I'm telling you, you're wrong': Delivery dingus insists he's at the correct address, while customer swears he is not

George Carlin said "Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that." What real life example have you seen that validates this view?

'He couldn't find any trains going to Hawai'i': 40 People share the moment they realized someone was dumb as a rock

idiotic, the worst, dumb, stupid, idiots, dumb people, online, internet, reddit, lol, incorrect

Painfully Idiotic Memes That Remind You That Confidence Certainly Does Not Equate to Intelligence

'Blueberries are the only fruit named after a color:' 30 people who were proudly, confidently incorrect

'Blueberries are the only fruit named after a color:' 30 people who were proudly, confidently incorrect

wrong things taught by school

Things People Learned In School That Turned Out To Be Totally Wrong

things people didn't realize until late in life

Obvious Things People Learned Embarrassingly Late In Life

wrong things peoples parents told them

Wrong and Dumb Things People's Parents Told Them

funny and dumb design failures | half a toilet stuck in a wall | two swings that if you used both you'd bump into each other

Design Failures That Could Use Some Rethinking

Customers who were at the wrong restaurant askreddit | Displaced_Yankee 37.0k points 3 days ago 2 17 More shift manager at McDonald's middle mall guy walks up counter with several McDonald's bags food. Guy: My wife came through drive-thru and messed up order Are sure she came through our drive-thru? Guy: Yes! She told she came through drive-thru, and she got home she realized order wrong. Y'all need give us our money back and give us right food confused while looking around mall Did she drive

Bold and Mistaken Customers Who Were at the Wrong Store

Annoying and imperfect images | round stained glass window misaligned with the door beneath it | car with wonky paint job

Annoying and Off-Center Imperfections

Untrue misconceptions | Back2Bach 18.7k points 3 days ago Lightning never strikes twice same place fact does, and frequently don't want be there happens.

Everyday Misconceptions People Still Believe

Stories of rumors people found out about themselves | Stop_CharterSchools 3.2k points 13 hours ago made fun Baptists at my friend's house, and his mom told other moms worshiped devil. This 10th-grade or so.

Dumb Rumors People Discovered about Themselves

Askreddit stories of times when people were accused of something they didn't commit | PostItFrustrations 247 points 23 hours ago have lot these. But most ridiculous about 13 and got suspended getting fight on day home sick guess my friend got fight and they were so used finishing her fights they automatically assumed involved. And course my talking back gave detention wasn't reversed proved wasn't there.

People Who Were Accused of Crimes They Didn't Commit

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