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30 Laughably Terrible Haircuts That Put Barbers n' Stylists in a Hairy Situation

They're taking 'worst haircut of your life' to the next level
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'The meanest girls I know are all nurses': 20+ occupations that attract the worst people

'The meanest girls I know are all nurses': 20+ occupations that attract the worst people

In every industry, you are bound to find annoying people. However, some occupations are way worse at attracting bad apples than others. These folks shared what they believe to be the worst jobs for the worst kinds of people via this r/AskReddit thread, and we have a lot of questions. First, why did so many people mention nurses? This has me worried the next time I go to a hospital. On the other hand, car salesmen and real estate agents did not shock me in the slightest. Raise your hand if you'v…
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'My sister got a Blu-Ray player and I got an HDMI cable': 25+ cringe gifts that totally missed the mark

'My sister got a Blu-Ray player and I got an HDMI cable': 25+ cringe gifts that totally missed the mark

Everyone has opened a present at some point in their lifetime that made them wonder what the heck this person was thinking. When I was in Middle School, my Mom got me a dictionary for my birthday. The following year, I received a pencil holder. Clearly, there was a not-so-subtle message here, and that was to study more. I know I'm not the only one who has had a close family member completely mess up when it comes to gift-giving. A friend of mine is known for being obsessed with tea. Her kitchen…
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'[I] got a $3 gift card to Sonic': 20+ Partiers who attended the worst soirées ever

'[I] got a $3 gift card to Sonic': 20+ Partiers who attended the worst soirées ever

Great parties are a dime a dozen, but a party that goes completely off the rails will be talked about forever. U/Swansatron had an intriguing query for the r/AskReddit community: “Reddit, what was the worst party you ever attended?” Every answer was a little different — some people shared the funniest things that ever happened, while others revealed they threw parties that hardly anyone attended.
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'He dared you to call his hand; You called and raised': Entitled employee harasses his female coworker gets bamboozled when she calls his bluff and takes him to the cleaners with HR

Working with insufferable coworkers is tantalizing on its own, but when your raunchy, abrasive colleague starts to test your patience with crude jokes and terse taunts, it's hard not to go full vigilante on them.
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Top Landlordiest Landlords Leeching Their Tenants This Week (June 16, 2023)

Landlords are the worst. Those monopolizers that took over entire neighborhoods to exploit us poor folks keep taking two-week vacations instead of fixing the dang toilet seat like we asked them to a month ago. Obviously for most landlords, renters and their well-being is an afterthought. It doesn't matter if there's paint over the door hinges or mold growing in the bathroom, as long as they get that check every month.
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'Screw your HOA': Anarchist teens outsmart their neighborhood's contemptuous rules, mocking them by maliciously complying to their technicalities

'Screw your HOA': Anarchist teens outsmart their neighborhood's contemptuous rules, mocking them by maliciously complying to their technicalities

HOA stands for “Horribly Obnoxious Association” and they're the group of prying Karen's and Kevin's that make up the most outrageous rules for the neighborhood, simply to lord themselves over everybody, bolstering their superiority complex. For some suburban neighborhoods, they're the gestapo waiting for inhabitants to make simple mistakes so that they can send them warnings and fines and petty paperwork to file.
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What's the worst lie you were told as a kid?

'What's the worst lie you were told as a kid?': 30+ Redditors share the hilarious and stupid things their parents clearly lied about

Parents, you may tell a few little white lies to your kid every now and then… but kids don't always realize you're stretching the truth.
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there is no "worst color*, your perception of every color and whether or not it looks good to you depends entirely on what colors it is surrounded by. this conversation is OVER

'How can you say this when cyan and hot pink exist?': 30+ Votes for the worst color ever, according to the internet

Today, we don't want to know your favorite color, we want to know what's the worst color that's ever plagued your retinas.
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vegans, vegan, meal choice, wedding, wedding fail, bridesmaid, bride, best friend, ruined, entitled, asshole, AITA, catering, fail, humiliating

Entitled Vegan Bridesmaid Ruins Her Friend's Wedding, Humiliating the Extremely Accommodating Bride During Her Speech

“I told her it was just a joke but she was pissed and now months after the wedding she won't talk to me”
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'Somebody emptied the used deep fryer oil into a plastic bucket': 40+ People who made the worst possible mistakes at their job

'Somebody emptied the used deep fryer oil into a plastic bucket': 40+ People who made the worst possible mistakes at their job

Everyone has their job and speciality, but no matter how skilled you are, you're always going to make mistakes at your job. Thinking about it is humbling - every person you interact with has botched something at their job.
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30+ Maps that will get you so lost you'll have to use the stars to navigate

30+ Maps that will get you so lost you'll have to use the stars to navigate

If you're older than a certain generation, you might have never really used a physical map. Maybe you remember them , but have you ever had to fold a physical map? These days, phone maps do basically everything, giving us step by step directions to get to any given destination. But the craft of map making is not dead. These creatives online created a handful of maps that are not only so silly, stupid, or useless, but half of them aren't even accurate either. Highlighted on the subreddit r/terri…
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Funniest Memes That Are Only Relatable If You're The Absolute Worst Kind of Person

Funniest Memes That Are Only Relatable If You're The Absolute Worst Kind of Person

Douchebags unite!
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Cringey DIY Home Renovation Fails That Are So Bad They'll Make Your Eye Twitch

Cringey DIY Home Renovation Fails That Are So Bad They'll Make Your Eye Twitch

Move that bus!
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renter, renting, rent, rent is due, landlord, feudalism, neofeudalism, housing market, housing crash, housing, home improvement, worst, the worst, america

Terrible Landlord Suggests His Tenant Should Just Move Out Instead of Fixing Leaky, Disgusting Ceiling

As if renting could get any worse
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marvel marvel comics movies The Avengers marvel cinematic universe films worst cinema avengers - 667143

The 10 Worst Marvel Cinematic Universe Movies

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