

'It's 83°F inside the office': Boss refuses to fix broken AC in the office, demanding employees increase sales so the company could ‘afford the repair’

'It's 83°F inside the office': Boss refuses to fix broken AC in the office, demanding employees increase sales so the company could ‘afford the repair’

As soon as summer arrives, every office out there starts to deal with conflicts among employees regarding the AC. There is always that one coworker who wants the office to be freezing even when everyone else's teeth are chattering, and that battle continues up until the AC remote mysteriously vanishes and is nowhere to be found. As much as this battle can be quite annoying, and can cause certain coworkers to silently curse that one individual who insists the office's temperature would not rise…
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Employee gets demoted, salary gets cut in half despite four years at the company: 'I now make less than the new college graduate I trained in last year'

Employee gets demoted, salary gets cut in half despite four years at the company: 'I now make less than the new college graduate I trained in last year'

Imagine putting in four years at a company and expecting a glowing performance review, only to learn that instead, you are being demoted and your salary will be cut in half effective immediately. The justification, of course, was not exactly specific either. In fact, the employee's tasks and responsibilities had not exactly changed month after a month in the “new” position. Of course, the boss found silly and meaningless synonyms to replace the Redditor's former job description to make it seem…
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'Bye-bye': Employee leaves company high and dry after learning that micromanager attempted to undermine his promotion

'Bye-bye': Employee leaves company high and dry after learning that micromanager attempted to undermine his promotion

Being overlooked for your accomplishments is the worst feeling in the world. You toil diligently throughout the year, sacrificing precious moments with friends and friends only to have your employer deny you a promotion because they 'believe' you don't have what it takes. The story below is an account of a frustrated employee. For a significant duration, the original poster (OP) was employed by the same company. Consequently, he felt compelled to discuss the prospect of a promotion with his bos…
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workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs tech support job malicious compliance web designer work programmers designer workplace Tech workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 35457285

Boss tells web designer they can't say "no" to user requests, they find a loophole by rewriting the rulebook: 'Oh, I'm sorry, as per the Web Update Guide we can't do this...'

This web designer was responsible for managing and maintaining a collection of websites that their organization maintained for clients, but their organization had a particularly strange policy where requests from clients always needed to be considered with their boss telling them that they couldn't say no to requests, regardless of whether or not the requests actually made any sense, were actually good ideas“features” or would bog down and ruin the performance and interface of the web sites. Gr…
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'I want my bedroom painted blue, no matter what': Painting company finds workaround for customer who refuses to paint her house white

'I want my bedroom painted blue, no matter what': Painting company finds workaround for customer who refuses to paint her house white

There are some situations in life that require you to get something done now, no matter what the cost. Even if it seems ridiculous to you, sometimes you just absolutely have to get it done . Oftentimes, it's our bosses telling us things like this. You might know the feeling if you've ever been told to overnight a package, knowing it'll cost the company hundreds of dollars, or if you've ever had to work til the wee hours of the morning on a critical project due the next morning. Well, the rules…
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'My exit interview [...] led to their resignation': Nurse quits and files 'anonymous' complaint agains problematic boss, leading to her abrupt departure

'My exit interview [...] led to their resignation': Nurse quits and files anonymous complaint agains problematic boss, leading to her abrupt departure

There is nothing worse than a problematic boss taking over and ruining a system that was working well, but on the other end of the spectrum, there is nothing better than calling that boss out on their flawed leadership. This thread was posted by a nurse who ensured that her exit interview at the hospital would be put to good use. Instead of leavings all her complaints unresolved, she took the opportunity to call out her former director to HR about how all the changes were counterproductive, une…
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'Nobody else in the office could do what I was doing': Store owner refuses to hire a new HVAC dispatcher until the last minute because he thinks they're "bluffing"

'Nobody else in the office could do what I was doing': Store owner refuses to hire a new HVAC dispatcher until the last minute because he thinks they're "bluffing"

This person found out how important they were at their job , just hours before leaving forever. Giving your employer two week's notice before you leave the job is standard. U/balles_de_acier actually gave their employer three weeks of notice , which was generous of them. That's plenty of time to seek out a new addition to the office, get them started at the job, and the old employee would even have time to show them the ropes. The more difficult route would be waiting until that original employ…
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workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 35459589

Boss takes away employee's flexibility they take leave and start looking for other work: 'Boss wanted to take away the only reason I stayed in the company'

When you're young, you have all the ideologies about how you're going to move to the big city and live in lofted apartments while you hang out in coffee shops and bars with your friends and all laugh about how carefree your lives are… Oh, and you're working in humanitarian aid and making a difference in your work, too. As things progress you come to ind that you've instead found yourself in a corporate job that you despise, working as a means to an end, all your money is going to rent and if yo…
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‘He's going to burn out in no time’: Boss prepares employees for upcoming layoffs by demanding they all train the overworked new hire so he can take over their jobs

‘He's going to burn out in no time’: Boss prepares employees for upcoming layoffs by demanding they all train the overworked new hire so he can take over their jobs

When a new employee enters the company, they might do everything in their power to prove themselves and their worth to their managers. Sometimes, that eagerness to prove oneself can be overdone and can create too high expectations towards the new employee. By always saying ‘yes’ to things, overworking, and trying to impress everyone in the office, one can find themselves burned out rather quickly. Much like what happened to the new hire in this Reddit story, who seemed to have wanted to prove h…
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VP goes against qualified employee's word, revenue drops 80%, employee gets more company perks after fallout: 'Just got a bigger office farther away from people'

VP goes against qualified employee's word, revenue drops 80%, employee gets more company perks after fallout: 'Just got a bigger office farther away from people'

Who doesn't love proving everyone wrong? This employee was told to adjust his reports a certain way by the VP of his company and despite warning him of the potentially serious repercussions of this kind of reporting, he maliciously complied. Thankfully, there was no world in which the Redditor was going to be taking the fall when the company's revenue inevitably dropped because the people who ultimately signed the reports were the VP and his boss. So when that day finally arrived, the employee…
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‘Please leave!’: Employee flees to new city to escape former boss only to be met by an unexpected visit at new workplace

‘Please leave!’: Employee flees to new city to escape former boss only to be met by an unexpected visit at new workplace

Setting boundaries with people around you is essential to preserving a good balance between all parties and reducing the possibility of a misunderstanding, whether it be with your family, friends, fellow pupils, or even at your place of employment. The story below is of a bewildered employee. After an unusual encounter with her former manager, the original poster (OP) shared on Reddit. To put things in context, OP had just begun her new job and had quit her previous one due to the unprofessiona…
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workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 35440133

'Work completion rates dropped by over 50%': New manager tries to tackle inefficiency by having workers drive directly to site, accidentally makes everyone waste more time

New managers accidentally create more inefficiency while trying to reduce it—a match made in heaven. Of course, it doesn't help that their workers are more than happy to go along with their awful plans and process changes to show them just how stupid those policies are. Oftentimes, these changes are just quickly swept under the rug and never mentioned again, with very little repercussion ever eventuating for the members of management who made the blunder. On the flip side, you know for certain…
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Entitled father-in-law forces son to get him a job interview, embarrasses son by insulting CFO: 'He's never getting a job there'

Entitled father-in-law forces son to get him a job interview, embarrasses son by insulting CFO: 'He's never getting a job there'

This delusional father-in-law seems to think every young person is entitled, but in the end, it was his entitlement that kept him from getting a job. Imagine helping set your father-in-law up with a job interview at your partner's company and then having to explain his extreme level of disrespect to the other employees at said company. Well, that's exactly what happened to this Redditor after her father-in-law started badmouthing the CFO to his interviewer and then to the CFO's face directly la…
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'He didn't know what "coffee with milk" meant': Inexperienced intern bungles office culture at his first workplace

'He didn't know what "coffee with milk" meant': Inexperienced intern bungles office culture at his first workplace

Like many interns, this guy is convinced he has a lot of offer the workforce, but he just hasn't quite figured out how to navigate an office. Being an intern is one of the strangest experiences in the working world. You're often a student, still learning every day, and accustomed to the teacher-student dynamics. Then, you're thrust into the work world, and it's every person for themselves. The expectations for every intern are different, and they won't know what they'll have to do until they sh…
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customer support customer service workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories talesfromretail jobs employment-discussion job retail karen-customer work customers karen-customers workplace Horrible Bosses tales-from-retail employment in the workplace - 35440389

Retail chain cuts workers' hours rather than paying overtime: 'They are going to schedule all the full timers at 35 hours so that no one goes over 40'

Ahh, retail… a fine industry where middle manglement regularly tries to shove a dirt sandwich down your throat while whispering sweetly to you it's actually honey. The story shared in this post is a tale as old as time in retail, where management will happily tell you with a smile that the company's official policy is that the customer comes first… but that the unofficial policy is that making sure staff never claim or report overtime also comes first. So, then, what happens when you're working…
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Store employee refuses to give kid her money back after she is 5 cents short on her purchase, resulting in a dispute with observing customers: ‘Give her the money’

Store employee refuses to give kid her money back after she is 5 cents short on her purchase, resulting in a dispute with observing customers: ‘Give her the money’

When you are a kid, everything feels like much more of a big deal than what it actually is. For example, accidentally leaving a store without paying for something, and then setting off the alarm can make kids feel like their lives are over. Most of the time, everything turns out fine, but it can still be a rather traumatizing experience for a little kid. That is why I really felt for the 10-year-old kid in this Reddit story, especially because all that went down was not even her fault. After tr…
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