

'All right. I know one of you took the wheels off my chair': Office of engineers embarks on pranking spree

'All right. I know one of you took the wheels off my chair': Office of engineers embarks on pranking spree

So many pranks and so little time. Having an office full of good-natured coworkers who can take a joke makes the work week fly by. Some workplaces prank each other more than others, though, like the employees of u/Apatheric_Anger's place of employment. They wrote that since the pay was low, morale was raised every time someone played a prank. I'm sure that pranking higher-ups was especially common in an atmosphere like that. The employee writes that “few were immune to pranks." Next up, tweets…
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workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace Horrible Bosses workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 35497733

'The company ended up going into liquidation': Manufacturing boss demands overworked laborer stick to his original duties despite the fact that they've been doing every job alone, their compliance sinks the company

During the course of your career, it's generally thought that going above and beyond is often associated with greater reward… at least eventually. However, it's also possible that you'll end up working for people who will just take advantage of your willingness to do extra work and provide extra value to their company without extra pay. This workshop laborer helped in the production and manufacture of sheds for use on clients' farms and other similar business uses. They helped with cleaning, ma…
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Coworker romance goes south, guy tries to ghost ex, ex makes his work day a living nightmare: 'He will have to see my face every day'

Coworker romance goes south, guy tries to ghost ex, ex makes his work day a living nightmare: 'He will have to see my face every day'

Office romances almost never work out, but this one really went haywire. This Redditor admits that she should never have gotten into a relationship with this guy, but she was naive at the time and new to the workforce. When she and her then-boyfriend started dating, they seemed to create a healthy work-life balance until she was promoted and transferred to a different city. Let's just say that long distance did not exactly work out. In fact, this dude tried to ghost the Redditor, which proved t…
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‘Why did you even hire me?’: Employee gets fired after only 4 days on the job, manager claims it's because they couldn't afford to have someone train them

‘Why did you even hire me?’: Employee gets fired after only 4 days on the job, manager claims it's because they couldn't afford to have someone train them

The first days of a new job are always the most stressful. You feel the constant need to prove to your manager that they made the right choice to hire you, even when you probably know nothing about the job and don't have anything to show for it yet. Which is why it is surprising that the one who feels the pressure is the new hire when the employer is the one who actually has a lot to prove. Having someone properly train a new employee to do the job right, is the real challenge, a challenge that…
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workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 35439877

'Stay in my own lane? You got it': Care facility worker told not to help clients during admin hours, boss begrudgingly has to get their hands dirty

This worker worked in a draining middle management position in a care facility that was overseen by a “micromanaging dinosaur” of a boss who demanded strict adherence to rules—even the nonsensical and arbitrary ones they made up—and relishing in the chance at catching workers out for not following them. If you're getting an image of Nurse Ratchet from One Flew Over a Cuckoo's Nest in your mind, you're probably on the right track… At one point, the worker was forbidden from interacting with clie…
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'My manager forgot she approved my time off': Boss tries to write up employee for not showing up on approved PTO day, fallout ensues

'My manager forgot she approved my time off': Boss tries to write up employee for not showing up on approved PTO day, fallout ensues

Taking time off work simply should not feel like the stressful endeavor that it is. Since you're contractually entitled to that time, in theory, you should be able to submit your PTO request with no questions asked and no issues getting that request approved. Of course, in practice, it doesn't exactly work out that way. Instead, you end up getting a lot of shade and passive-aggressive behavior, as if you're actively inconveniencing everyone else by giving yourself the vacation you deserve. What…
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management workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work upper management ceo workplace extremely upper management workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 35469829

Upper manager introduces "innovative" new idea against subordinate's advice, it fails spectacularly: 'He doesn't want to admit he made a mistake'

Nobody likes any idea as much as they like their own. And nobody likes their own ideas more than upper management. They'll pick a course, no matter how ill-informed or ill-advised that course is, and steer into it full steam ahead. And, yet, still, there is something admirable, at least, in that kind of confidence; no matter how foolhardy it might sometimes be, that attitude is probably how they got where they are in the first place—that or it's their parents' company. Still, sometimes, as a bu…
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'Then a chicken walks out of the back room': 15 Home installation workers share the craziest things they've peeked at in stranger's homes

'Then a chicken walks out of the back room': 15 Home installation workers share the craziest things they've peeked at in stranger's homes

Home is where the heart is, and it's also where all of your strangest belongings remain. No one knows this better than folks who have jobs that require them to randomly step foot inside people's homes , often with very little warning. Say, for example, a plumber. Maybe your shower isn't draining or your toilet just won't work. You have to call the plumber, and there's usually a set timeframe during which they'll show up to solve your issues. But for some reason, people won't clean up their home…
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‘There's more to life than money’: Overworked employee accepts job offer that is $70K lower than current salary, leading to a heated discussion about work-life balance

‘There's more to life than money’: Overworked employee accepts job offer that is $70K lower than current salary, leading to a heated discussion about work-life balance

We all know the famous phrase - “Money can't buy happiness”, and we all surely felt like this statement could not be far from the truth. Many things that make a person happy require money, so it's hard not to look at money as the source of one's happiness and contentment in life. But there still is more to life than just making money. For example, if all you do is make money, and you have no free time to actually spend that money in ways that make you happy, then what is the point of all your h…
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workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 35489541

'Force me to modify my work, lose 80% of your revenue': Employee warns company Vice President about changes to report, gets blamed when their warnings come to fruition

Often in the workplace, the reclusive and introverted workers will find themselves disadvantaged—no matter how productive they are—with none of the clout and relationship status to cash in and help them when things go wrong or misunderstandings occur. Unfortunately, this situations usually involve some inability to talk their way out of a nonsensical request from management—the strong-headed manager having already made up their mind before they walked in the door that their "strange" quiet subo…
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20+ lame corporate gifts and bonuses for longtime employees: 'It was a pen. Not a nice pen.'

20+ lame corporate gifts and bonuses for longtime employees: 'It was a pen. Not a nice pen.'

Never underestimate your employer's ability to let you down. Picture this: your annual review is coming up. You're coming on five years at a company without a meaningful promotion or raise despite always receiving encouraging and positive feedback. You have made it known over the past several months that you really would like something meaningful this time around. Finally, the day has arrived. You walk into the meeting and your boss immediately thanks you for all of your hard work. He says he h…
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Devoted worker pushed to the brink after PTO revocation just weeks before long-awaited family vacation

Devoted worker pushed to the brink after PTO revocation just weeks before long-awaited family vacation

To savor the fleeting periods of freedom between, you hustle throughout the year. It's a vacation here, a vacation there that helps us get through the trials of life. What would you do, then, if your manager abruptly declared that you were no longer qualified for vacation time after you had scheduled time off? The story below is an account of frustrated employee. The original poster (OP) has been thinking about her family vacation for the last six months. But as the departure date drew nearer,…
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children employment job jobs Horrible Bosses volunteers parenting work workplace volunteer antiwork workplace-stories employment-discussion workplace discussion employment issues in the workplace - 35336453

Chairman singles out only female board member, asking her to watch visiting politician's children: 'I do not have any children, but everyone else on the board [does]'

Volunteering your time to an organization remains exactly that: volunteer work. You're not being compensated for your time, so you'd hope that your contributions would at least be appreciated and that you'd be treated respectfully during your time there. Still, organizations that rely heavily on volunteer work can have the tendency to—well, forget this—and take the unpaid hours of their dedicated volunteers for granted, treating them as if they were subordinates instead. After all, where there…
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'What was his plan?!': Coffee shop customer defends daughter against theft accusation, cameras prove his involvement

'What was his plan?!': Coffee shop customer defends daughter against theft accusation, cameras prove his involvement

Customers want to think they're always right, but cashiers and retail workers know the truth. A lot of the time, the customer is just wrong. And nobody wants to be confronted with the fact that they've just thrown a petty fit over a minor issue , only to be proven totally wrong. Throwing a tantrum rarely solves your problems if you're older than five years old. When adults do it, it's majorly embarrassing. It gives us second-hand cringe to watch people get red in the face over minor issues, lik…
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'I no longer work here, remember?': Employee's two-week notice rejected, asked to leave immediately but still help with transition, she claps back

'I no longer work here, remember?': Employee's two-week notice rejected, asked to leave immediately but still help with transition, she claps back

Bad bosses can't have their cake and eat it too!
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workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance karen-customer work customers semi truck delivery driver trucker workplace delivery workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 25667845

Client demands frequent updates about their truckload of onions, trucker maliciously complies: 'You want updates? I will give you all the updates'

When you get overly worked up about your job, it's important to remember it's just a job; it's not like someone's life is at stake or anything… Of course, this logic doesn't really apply if you're a Cardiothoracic surgeon in the middle of an operation because—well, someone's life is literally at stake. Other forms of employment with the same level of gravitas also need not heed this advice. Still, there's no use crying over cut onions—if you can help it… and there's no use getting overly worked…
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