

recruiter antiwork workplace-stories jobs recruitinghell interviews recruiting workplace job interview interview - 19482117

'Offered the same salary again': Job candidate declines role after low-ball salary offer, management comes back with a second offer... for the same amount

If, at first, you don't succeed... try, try again—except… maybe, not in the exact same way as your first failure. Shake it up a little bit. Try an attempt that was better, or at least different , than your first… This was not a concept that this recruiter understood, choosing to make the same offer for a second time after this job candidate initially had declined. Who knows what their thought process was? Maybe they were seeking to wear the candidate down in a war of attrition—make the same off…
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work-story workplace-stories fired hr manager new-boss malicious compliance coworkers human resources workplace Horrible Bosses bad bosses - 19482629

'Delete your files and leave': New boss fired after making analyst redundant and telling him to delete his "worthless" files, cost company $2.5 million

If you don't understand what your new subordinates do, it would be a good idea to seek to understand their work. Jumping to baseless conclusions that their work is worthless just because your skull is three inches thick is a surefire way to land the entire organization in hot water. Well, true to typical “new boss logic,” this boss, “Sally," was too quick to judge when an essential analyst was restructured under her tyrannical
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toxic-workplace interviews job interview interview toxic-work-environment boss work-story workplace-stories terrible-boss ceo power trip Horrible Bosses - 2002439

"I had a horrible job interview yesterday": Young worker shares nightmare job interview experience, internet responds

Interviews are a two-way street: the candidate is trying to figure out whether or not they want to work for the employer just as much as the employer is trying to figure out if they're interested in the candidate. Still, often there are multiple candidates but only one position; this can create a power imbalance and desperation on the part of the candidate that leads to only one direction of the street being walked. As such, candidates may miss major red flags from the interviewer or dismiss th…
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workplace-stories toxic-workplace workplace-story malicious compliance toxic coworkers horrible-management toxic-boss workplace Horrible Bosses employment toxic-work-environment - 19466757

'You can't quit on a Friday': Company ignores employee's two-week notice, tries to fire him after he already left the company

This IT guy was working for a large firm as a contractor for their IT department. His experience was one that people often have within a giant, bloated corporate behemoth: The managers were unreliable, the expectations were too high, and the company had an odd culture that tried to give you more work, as congratulations for a job well done, rather than pay you fairly. That sounds like something that the owner or CEO thought of one day when they were sitting on the toilet, and all the "Yes Men"…
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revenge story pro revenge boss work-story corporate workplace-stories toxic-manager toxic-workplace manager toxic revenge ceo best-boss toxic-work-environment - 19449605

'My boss's act of revenge': Manager sells $400k of electronics to employees at insane prices after uncovering company's plan to close store

A nefarious plot by the CEO to lay off all workers at a big-box electronic store triggered a rebellion by the store's manager that would send the corporate entity reeling. Is this a plot line written by George RR Martin? Or a modern retelling of Robin Hood? You be the judge! When the employees of the store accidentally learned of this plot, it was a free-for-all. The manager was angered and made use of his discounting privileges to provide all employees with a once-in-a-lifetime shopping spree…
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employment workplace reddit story antiwork toxic-workplace toxic-work-environment work-story workplace-stories - 19421445

'I can't afford to lose this job': Employer demands "senior" employee pay for damage caused by another worker

Toxic workplaces love “fake” promotional roles—used to saddle workers with more responsibility and workload with a little-to-no increase in pay. They serve as an effective method for What stands out here is the impossible situation of being stuck in a terrible employment arrangement and being unable to find an exit route. People forget how much energy it takes to look for other work. When positions are limited in your sector, you can find yourself working what is essentially another full-time j…
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work-story antiwork workplace-stories jobs hr toxic-workplace job human resources workplace job interview interview employment - 2004743

'Was I overreacting?': Worker takes a stand after finding themselves unexpectedly in a working interview

Working interviews are a thinly veiled scam intended to draw upon a new source of unwitting workers for free resources, ideas, and labor.
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workplace-stories tech support fired talesfromtechsupport technical difficulties client IT guy Tech employment - 19397637

Rude client wants their tech support ticket escalated, gets fired when it gets escalated to their boss

It's often said that when going for a job interview, you should be kind and courteous to everyone you meet; famous anecdotes about not holding the front door to the building open for the person who ended up being the hiring manager reinforce this idea. Why, then, don't we extrapolate this idea and apply it to our daily lives—both professional and personal? When one lives their life in this way, they negate the chance of saying the wrong thing to the wrong person at the wrong time, like this sor…
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Getting our bags checked is costing me my time after almost every shift

Power-tripping boss forces employees to wait up to 20 minutes after their shift to get their bags checked

Certain companies have a knack for treating their employees in embarrassing and dehumanizing ways—toxic policies ensuring that you hate every second you spend on their premises. Checking bags and searching for personal belongings is one of these policies. There's no reason for it unless you're dealing with high-security clearance. Why are you so worried that an employee is going to steal a pair of sneakers that were produced at literal slave wages?
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terrible coworkers workplace-stories work coworkers workplace story employment - 19383045

Fake union representative thinks they're immune to consequences, learns the hard way otherwise

Some people think that they are above consequences, and this problem becomes worse when they're in a technically untouchable position and continually have their beliefs reinforced by successfully getting away with antisocial actions and behaviors. This delusional employee must have been binge-watching 80's action flicks because her entire stratagem is eerily similar to the bad guy's from Lethal Weapon 2, relying on that (razor-thin) diplomatic immunity to get away with anything and anything. Th…
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workplace-stories toxic-workplace workplace-story manager coworkers workplace employment - 19247877

'This is extremely inappropriate': Manager's stupid trauma-sharing "icebreaker" generates some unexpected results, leaves internet bewildered

Some things aren't meant to be discussed in a professional workplace setting, as any discussion around them could be found to be offensive or off-putting. Conversing on topics like politics, religion, sex, and drugs (along with any other highly personal, private, or polarizing discussions) is a surefire way to get yourself acquainted with your company's HR—who may not be all that happy about all the extra paperwork you've caused them. No… some topics—like sharing your worst trauma, are better s…
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antiwork workplace-stories fired toxic-workplace workplace-story work coworkers workplace toxic-work-environment - 19347461

'Well I got fired yesterday...': Worker fired for $200 of "time theft" resulting from unauthorized breaks taken over two years

Smokers often attract the attention of their coworkers due to the obscene number of short breaks they take to “step outside” for a moment and satisfy their addiction. If this worker only managed to accrue $200 worth of stolen time—well, they might be one of the most responsible smokers in the workforce. But let's be honest here—how many of us are guilty of taking small breaks from our work to browse Reddit. . . . For more,
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antiwork viral viral-story workplace workplace-story workplace-stories break room ceo coworkers Horrible Bosses toxic-workplace

'I am at a loss for words. This is pathetic…': CEO's viral request that employees donate their leave to sick coworker draws worker's rage online

"We're a family here," your HR will gladly tell new hires—a strained smile, thinly stretched, veiling years of workplace abuse, mistreatment, and exploitative policy that would say directly otherwise. The truth is that the only "family" this workplace resembles is a family on a true crime program where the children are chained in the basement by their remorselessly autocratic parents, who insist that the children should be eternally thankful for every scrap offered to them.
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engineer supervisor boss Horrible Bosses workplace toxic-workplace workplace-stories workplace-story workers bad bosses manager fired

'Let me go? Fine. You’ll lose millions': New supervisor frames and fires essential engineer, forced to hire them back at insane contract rate

It's often said that if you do a job and do it well, nobody is going to complain… but do a job well enough for long enough, and it's going to begin to be taken for granted. Soon enough, that second set of duties that you took on to band-aid resourcing shortages will become a part of your normal job description… You might be doing more work, but at least you have the appreciation of your manager—right? Their goodwill towards you could mean wonders for your career! That is… until they suddenly le…
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superbowl workplace Horrible Bosses workplace-stories workplace-story coworkers dickhead co-workers bad bosses

Thieving Boss Steals Super Bowl Tickets, Costs Them Big Client

What should you do when a client passes you, an esteemed partner of your business, a set of Super Bowl tickets to give to their account manager as a warm thanks for their work? Hand them to the employee as instructed—right? No! What could you possibly stand to gain from that straightforward and ethical decision? Instead, regift them to another client in order to bolster that business relationship, who could care less what your sniveling subordinate thinks—they're never going to know anyways. Oh…
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antiwork workplace-stories employee toxic-workplace toxic coworkers quit workplace Horrible Bosses quitting toxic-work-environment - 19248645

Jerk Boss Refuses to Accept Data Management Worker's Resignation, Tells Him He's Not Allowed Leave

What kind of insane power trip is this boss on? Does he seriously think he can just order his workers not to quit? There's a word for the type of relationship this boss is looking for—and it's not “employment.” This guy seriously thinks himself a feudal lord and that all of his “serfs” are dependent on him for life or death. That guilt trip of "how could you leave and do this to your coworkers" is a common manipulation tactic… and there are too many red flags to count here. He's probably trying…
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