

Manager tried throwing me under the bus, so I showed everyone her incompetence.

'Small win against toxic management': Employee pushed out by toxic manager, exposes that they have been doing manager's work for over a year

Here's a lesson to all managers out there: you don't want to make enemies with the person who has been essentially doing your job for you for over a year.
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'I prepared an entrée, main course, and dessert': Retail employee serves customer 3 portions of petty revenge on a plate following customer's petty promise

'I prepared an entrée, main course, and dessert': Retail employee serves customer 3 portions of petty revenge on a plate following customer's petty promise

Working in retail makes you develop a thick skin, as you have no choice but to deal with people who have obviously never heard the word ‘no’ in their entire lives, let alone been taught basic manners. Anyone who has worked in customer service of any kind will be sure to tell you that the number of times they've been told, ‘I’ll never shop here again!' would surmount the times it was actually true. In other words, people like to talk, but they don't put their money where their mouth is. One cust…
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reviews karens work-story workplace-stories review pizza delivery 1-star-review Karen-in-the-wild business delivery karen - 19986181

'Are you kidding me!!!': Owner sets the record straight when Karen leaves 1-star review because a tornado delayed her delivery

Being a delivery driver isn't an easy job. Sure, you might get to cruise around in your car while listening to your favorite tunes, but that's where the fun stops. The other (significant) part of the job involves going onto a stranger's property. A stranger who was, for some reason, incapable of making or retrieving their own food—with this reason usually being varying levels of intoxication or antisocial nature. This exchange usually occurs at night, in the dark, leading to already heightened…
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boss workplace-stories fired work stories toxic-workplace workplace - 19955973

'They fired me, I ruined their company': Boss refuses to give hard-working employee a raise, so this worker took him to court

Today's lesson is: get everything in writing. U/Subtosocksfor1 had a great story to share with r/pettycompliance about the time they refused to back down from their boss's demands. The OP's story is especially infuriating because they claim to work for this company and generate a lot of the income. If your employee is really generating 15%-20% of your company's revenue, a raise better be in the works for them! At least this OP seems to know their worth. However, the OP really did make a huge mi…
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antiwork workplace-stories baby in-the-workplace toxic-workplace workplace-story job fatherhood bad jobs i quit giving birth workplace Horrible Bosses family quitting toxic-work-environment - 19962117

'I stood up [and] gave him the double deuce': New employee quits after two days when boss demands they work during the birth of their child

The working relationship is built on respect, and that respect should go both ways. Unfortunately, this isn't always the case, with some owners, executives, and managers seeing themselves as destined for greatness and, therefore, better than the rabble they employ. It's surprising and disappointing how prevalent this attitude and behavior is today—probably because it's still being encouraged by the executive-level relics from the 80s and their sycophants who worship their every move. But, contr…
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work-story antiwork workplace-stories in-the-workplace jobs toxic-workplace job hunt job-seeker workplace job interview interview toxic-work-environment job application - 2048263

'I had to pay them [FOURTY] THOUSAND DOLLARS.' Job interview goes sideways when interviewer reveals terms of training

If an employer wants to charge you money for anything to do with starting your new role… it's a scam, not a job interview. You would do your best to get up and run—fast, and as far away as possible—metaphorically… but maybe also literally.
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workplace-stories work stories job posts paycheck kevin - 19941125

New employee cashes several wrong paychecks, is dismayed when her 'paycheck [is] ripped from her hands'

Who is responsible when writing a paycheck goes wrong ? This person, u/Fair_Blueberry_4706, told a story of a woman she knows. They met through an online community, and the OP was surprised to see “Kevina” asking for donations. Why? She was apparently paid several paychecks that weren't hers . Instead of returning it to her employer, this Kevina decided to take advantage of the situation. Apparently, she also didn't consider what would happen if her newfound paychecks got taken from her. So now…
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karens workplace-stories workplace-story interviews job-seeker karen-coworker workplace job interview interview karen entitled entitled people - 19905797

'Hire me. And then I'll leave': Karen demands a job and causes a scene after being told no, refuses to leave and is escorted out by security

There is such a thing as taking advice too literally…. and we've all probably heard the advice from parents (and other older relatives) that the best way into the workforce is to march into somewhere you want to work—best professional attire, CV in hand, and demand a job. The employer will be so taken aback, in awe, and blinded by the magnificence of your professional prowess that they'll offer you a $100k/yr job on the spot… as a receptionist. In reality, that's not how it works anymore (if it…
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boss workplace-stories tech-worker toxic-workplace malicious compliance toxic-boss Horrible Bosses Tech creativity in the workplace toxic-work-environment - 19845893

'It's been a rough year': Aggressive CEO demands clean office in bizarre r/MaliciousCompliance Reddit post

Having an aggressively abusive boss will make your working life intolerable, and this negativity will likely bleed into your personal life and make that worse as well. Unfortunately, especially in some industries, bad behavior from the bosses is almost an expectation, with egotistical CEOs and owners unleashing wrathful attitudes on workers lest they forget who is in charge. This user, Redditor u/EAwithOddTasks, shared their story to Reddit's r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit. While the post didn…
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workplace-stories malicious compliance revenge karen-customer work customers client workplace story - 19928581

Update: 'You should fire us! Ok.': Client suggests ending fifty year relationship with small trucking business, they take their advice and dismantle their client's network

There's a prevalent school of thought that prevails when it comes to client servicing: Do anything (and everything) possible to keep them happy and contracted; having worked in these sectors in the past, upper management never likes seeing a contract cancellation notice pass across their desk, even if that contract was costing the business money. I've seen sales departments signing clients at unserviceable rates—with wildly unfulfillable resource estimates. Why? Because the sales team got a com…
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workplace-stories manager job work Horrible Bosses reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 19921413

'He tried to ruin my chances': Employee poached by new company with double the salary, old boss calls company and tries to sabotage employee

Moral of the story: don't give your boss more information than what's necessary.
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'I got fired for speaking up': Tyrannical boss fires employee for protesting working conditions, employee reports boss to DOL, boss gets fired and closes shop

'I got fired for speaking up': Tyrannical boss fires employee for protesting working conditions, employee reports boss to DOL, boss gets fired and closes shop

This story is about a fellow advocate of the working class who was working at an automotive repair shop as a tech guy; unfortunately suffering from the shenanigans of his tyrannical boss, who would constantly yap at him and his fellow coworkers for a variety of unfair reasons. Eventually, OP realized that this was not the kind of environment he wanted to work in, so he gave in his two-week notice over the phone. This proved to be a mistake, as his boss had a total meltdown, resulting in him bei…
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boss workplace-stories malicious compliance mechanic workplace reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 19897093

'You can say goodbye to your bonus this month': Mechanics pressured to prioritize extra work, CEO takes away their bonuses, they band together for revenge

Talk about a toxic work environment!
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‘My car was hit by your car, I'm just stating the facts': Entitled executive hits employee's car; denial leads to petty revenge

‘My car was hit by your car, I'm just stating the facts': Entitled executive hits employee's car; denial leads to petty revenge

Liars get on everybody's nerves, there is just something so frustrating about it, especially when you know the truth of the matter. When you hit someone's car in a parking lot, it's completely appropriate that the other person demands you provide your insurance information. It's even the law. But some folk didn't get the memo, such as this entitled executive. Yep, a coworker hit u/ohhgrrl's car, and blatantly denied it to her face. Where she gets the nerve, I don't know. In any case, OP was rig…
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work-story kpi workplace-stories in-the-workplace the workplace malicious compliance kpis workplace story break room toxic-workplace Horrible Bosses - 19904773

'We all figured out pretty quickly how to game the KPI system': Boss says "Hit KPIs" employees do... but business suffers

Chasing a singular metric with reckless abandon will never be good for your business and, depending on which singular metric you choose to chase, can have a range of disastrous results. Let's go with an example: Imagine you work for a company that services multiple clients on an ongoing contract basis. The price of each contract is determined based on the time it will take a technician to attend the site and carry out routine checks on scheduled maintenance—with this being estimated based on th…
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workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace job work reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 19864325

'If [you] only want to work 40 hours a week then you should leave': VP makes tone-deaf demands on company call after no one receives a raise

There are ways to inspire people, but this is not it!
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