

'I quit my job and there may be a massive domino effect': Manager causes 'domino effect' when they quit their job

'I quit my job and there may be a massive domino effect': Manager causes 'domino effect' when they quit their job

Sometimes all it takes is for one person to pull the plug and quit to make others realize they have other options as well. When that happens, the entire team can turnover within months, with the last of the team practically sprinting to get out of there before the building collapses on them (—will the last person out please get the lights?) Of course, there are usually a variety of issues bubbling away under the surface long before the entire thing boils over. Management changes are usually a d…
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‘You can’t be here; I fired you': Employee gets reinstated after being fired for refusing to buy boss new drink, upper management reinstates employee despite boss's orders

‘You can’t be here; I fired you': Employee gets reinstated after being fired for refusing to buy boss new drink, upper management reinstates employee despite boss's orders

Upper management usually doesn't intervene between bosses and their employees, unless the issue is considered unsolvable. In this case, it wasn't exactly that the case was 'unsolvable', but rather that this particular boss simply didn't have the authority to fire any employee. Not to mention that there weren't even proper grounds for this employee to be fired in the first place. OP was working as a carhop at Sonic at the time, and one day they were cleaning up all the drinks that the day shift…
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nepo-hire nepotism workplace-stories in-the-workplace jobs toxic-workplace work coworkers supervisor workplace Horrible Bosses toxic-work-environment - 21107461

'Supervisor nearly got himself fired': Older worker gets back at nepo-hire supervisor

Working with someone who is constantly looking for ways to stab you in the back can be a tiring experience making you constantly have to evaluate every interaction—every little thing—to determine whether or not they could try and use it against you. This is bad enough when it's a coworker or other member of your team—but when it's a supervisor, it's a whole entire new story. For one thing, supervisors are typically more trusted, and their word will carry more weight than yours, so you're consta…
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'The entire project came crashing down': Coworkers get put in their place when woman stops doing their work

'The entire project came crashing down': Coworkers get put in their place when woman stops doing their work

Of all the many frustrating experiences that are waiting for you when you arrive at work, there is arguably none greater than a coworker who refuses to pull their weight. Without fail, their dragging of the chain will hold back the rest of their team, who will have to pick up the slack if they have any hopes of keeping projects on track and hitting KPIs—keeping the ever-watchful roving eye of management looking elsewhere and the team's heads off the chopping block. Still, after weeks, months—ye…
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'Just got passed up for a promotion': IT employee denied promotion by CEO because HR says he's part-time

'Just got passed up for a promotion': IT employee denied promotion by CEO because HR says he's part-time

We've all had the experience of being overlooked by an employer.
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'I quit; my coworkers followed suit': Employee quits after being denied vacation request, a domino effect of employees quitting ensues

'I quit; my coworkers followed suit': Employee quits after being denied vacation request, a domino effect of employees quitting ensues

Upper management glosses over the fact that it has been proven, time and time again, that micromanaging employees results in more problems than it solves. In this case, OP was working at a company for over 10 years, overseeing about 30 employees. The upper management in OP's company micromanaged its employees, ignored mental health issues, and held daily power trips that consisted of illegitimate disciplinary write-ups. OP was utterly exhausted from the amount of energy it took just to stay san…
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'Noped out after two hours': 20 stories where folks quit their jobs as soon as possible

'Noped out after two hours': 20 stories where folks quit their jobs as soon as possible

Talk about getting out while you still can!
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terrible coworkers boyfriend aita workplace-stories employee work stories carpool work coworkers cars workplace reddit thread Reddit - 21054981

'My coworker should have defended me': Employee forced to pay coworker's boyfriend $20 for a ride after coworker had been carpooling with employee for free

There are so many things this coworker could have done to avoid these consequences.
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antiwork workplace-stories jobs employee employment-discussion toxic-workplace workplace-story job tales-from-the-workplace work workplace-discussion workplace employment hired job-seeking new job - 21107205

'I declined, obviously': Employee receives low-ball counter offer from current employer

When you receive an offer from a new employer, you may be incentivized to approach your current employer and see if they'll match the offer. After all—as we often discuss, your current employment is a known entity, and so it will often seem preferable to stay in the comforts of the known—rather than branch out into the unknown of the new role that is being offered. Usually, your current employer will come back with what they can reasonably offer, seeking to match the offer you've received. It's…
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'I left a bad review': Company threatens to sue former employee, blasts their 'work ethic'

'I left a bad review': Company threatens to sue former employee, blasts their 'work ethic'

This person probably never imagined that a company would take their bad review so seriously. As a company, you rely heavily on your star rating . Lots of places maintain five stars, or sometimes four, but once your business has three stars or less, lots of people will avoid it just based off of that. After all, if enough people have had a negative experience at your restaurant or store, why would a customer bother going in there? Instead, they'd rather go to a place brimming with five star revi…
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'Oh that's it? [...] We can pay more than that': Boss tries to convince employee to stay by offering higher salary and trash talking new job

'Oh that's it? [...] We can pay more than that': Boss tries to convince employee to stay by offering higher salary and trash talking new job

We sincerely hope this employee doesn't fall for his boss's desperate shenanigans.
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'I disabled the internet for the entire company': Boss demands IT manager disable internet for employees, IT manager shuts down internet for entire company

'I disabled the internet for the entire company': Boss demands IT manager disable internet for employees, IT manager shuts down internet for entire company

Management seems to have a different set of rules for themselves, on the one hand, they are allowed to do whatever they want, even if it goes against company guidelines, yet employees caught behaving, in the same manner, will be immediately given the boot. In this case, OP was working part-time as an IT manager for a small company, as OP was still in University finishing their degree. OP described the management team as extremely incompetent, as they would browse the internet for personal shopp…
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'You can thank your insubordinates for this': Boss changes employee handbook to require 3 months notice after multiple employees leave at once

'You can thank your insubordinates for this': Boss changes employee handbook to require three months notice after multiple workers leave at once

How does this boss think that enforcing these ridiculous new rules will make his employees loyal?
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workplace-stories talesfromretail jobs manager retail bad jobs tales-from-the-workplace retail worker work managers workers employment - 21077253

'I pulled 6 doubles that week': Retail worker told to take all the overtime they want, obliges

You really shouldn't say something that you don't mean that could cause an outcome that you don't want to someone who will happily oblige you. Retailers love to set rules and swear by them as if they had been written in stone since the dawn of time—and definitely not something they made up 15 minutes ago. These rules will blatantly disadvantage workers and be strictly enforced to the point where there is no nuance for grey-area scenarios. After all, being able to predict extremely obvious gray…
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'She was going to hire a 'professional'...': Boss refuses to stop cleaning computer until it's ruined because her method would 'really clean it out'

'She was going to hire a 'professional'...': Boss refuses to stop cleaning computer until it's ruined, because her method would 'really clean it out'

This person claims that their boss is only their boss because she just decided she was the Office Manager one day, and everyone went along with it. That seems like a recipe for disaster! You'd think that after working in an industry for ten years, this woman “Kevina” would kind of know what she's doing. The OP, u/alas_vikn, shares that they work at a stone company (and they've gotten in the habit of referring to Kevina's shenanigans as “The Flintstone Chronicles”).
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'I told you that your expectations were unrealistic': IT consultant fired after refusing to work OT on ridiculous project, gains leverage when negotiating exit terms

'I told you that your expectations were unrealistic': IT consultant fired after refusing to work OT on ridiculous project, gains leverage when negotiating exit terms

There comes a time in your career when you have to stand up for yourself and stop taking on too much.
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