
workplace malicious compliance

workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job malicious compliance work workplace Horrible Bosses workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 24971269

'Give me a 30% raise': Boss denies employee's raise request, shocked when they leave

It's difficult to picture your life any different than it is in this exact moment… and that's not talking simple wishful-thinking. It's easy to say “I wish things were better” or “I'm grateful and lucky for what I have” or “I'm glad things aren't worse." But that's not the same as being able to actually see yourself—
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workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 24838917

Breakfasting workers get back at their authoritative boss by working scheduled hours: ' You have to be here at your desks at that time'

Managing is something that is best done in a careful and calculated manner with lots of planning and moving pieces over a measured period of time; not with emotionally fueled outbursts and snap decisions intended to assert your authority or to beat your subordinates into submission. Yet, still, there are plenty of people (and plenty of managers) out there who have something to prove, a chip on their shoulder, or just lack emotional maturity. This creates even more situations where workers are t…
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workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance karen-customer work customers customer mechanic workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 24929029

'10 words or less? OK': Customer rudely demands a shorter explanation from mechanic

These days we all think that everyone's out to get us and—to be fair, well… we're not always wrong and some people are. There are plenty of entitled and selfish people in this world, who won't hesitate to twist any situation to their benefit and gain, carefully manipulating their way into getting the upper hand—no matter the circumstances. And yet, it's still important to remember that there are still honest folk out there; folk who want to do the right thing for the simple good and honest fact…
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wholesome customer heartwarming story workplace discussion wholesome workplace-stories jobs wholesome stories job malicious compliance work customers workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 24766981

Wealthy client gets wholesome revenge on the craftsman who refused extra pay: ''[We] spent the next week in Rome'

Everyone's got a bone to pick with someone these days and it's very rare for that picking to be necessitated for a wholesome reason. A reason such as trying to politely pay your craftsman more than the originally agreed-upon price due to your fondness of their work, only to have them, in turn, politely refuse. So, it was refreshing to see this story describing exactly that, a wholesome little tale in a sea of grudges, mistreatments, and misunderstandings. This poster sets the stage for their st…
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workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace coworker coworkers Horrible Bosses terrible coworkers antiwork employment-discussion employment issues - 24847365

Bossy coworker demands employee work unpaid overtime on weekends: '[She] acts like she's my boss'

Coworkers can be a lot of things: a compatriot, a confidant, a thorn in your side, a shoulder to cry on, a best friend—even a worst enemy. One thing they certainly aren't ever going to be is your boss—not without a promotion at least. And, still, throughout your working career, you'll come up against many a power-hungry colleague who thinks that they have the authority and experience to order you around. Letting you know what's what and making demands of you…. but, as bossy as this person might…
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workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 24844293

Plant manager fires all workers when they refuse to work mandatory overtime, they get rehired at a better rate and managers gets fired: 'They fired all of [them]'

It's always satisfying when someone in a position of power sets an ultimatum, trying to coerce their subordinate into doing as they wish, only to have the subordinate call them on their bluff, exposing that the superior really never had any actual power at all. This, of course, plays out in small ways in workplaces every day, with authority often being revealed as nothing but a facade. When these workers at a manufacturing plant were supposed to be granted a weekend of reprieve from all of the…
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workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 24881413

'8:30 to 5 no exceptions? You got it': Boss demands rigid adherence to scheduled hours, gets his wish and productivity tanks

If you demand rigidity of your employees' schedules, you can't then go and expect flexibility from them when you want it. Rigidity is a knife that cuts both ways and—as in any relationship—you shouldn't expect more from it than you're contributing to it. Like with love, trust is a game of give and take. Unfortunately, this is a lesson that so many managers need to learn the hard way through giving an order for strict adherence to rigid working hours , before experiencing exactly what happens wh…
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workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 24846085

'Your working hours are 9 to 6': Employee signs out of important meeting right at 6pm after being chastised for leaving a few minutes early days earlier despite having worked hours of overtime

Respect begets respect—and flexibility begets flexibility. It's no surprise that as in the old adage of ‘The Golden Rule' along with so many other maxims, if we treat others with esteem they'll be far more likely to do the same. In the context of the modern workplace, this comes into play with a surprising frequency. Say, if a member of the team you're managing needs to leave early one day for an appointment or to take care of a personal errand, not making an issue of this means that they're go…
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workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 24823557

'Before 9 and after 5 don't matter': Employee stops coming in early and working unpaid overtime after being admonished for a long lunch

Focusing intently on petty mistakes and slights is a surefire way to make sure you miss the big picture. As a leader, this is a fantastic way to make your workers feel like they're being micromanaged and have no agency, potentially derailing the entire organization along with the workers' sinking morale. Sure, if someone isn't pulling their weight it makes sense to step in, but when your team member is late back from lunch one time after coming in sometimes hours early, you'd do well to cut the…
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workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace getting fired fired toxic workplace Horrible Bosses - 24071429

$11,000 machine gets destroyed after the operator is fired for exposing executive's embezzlement scheme: ' [The books were] $20,000 out'

Growing up, we're taught that it's important to always tell the truth and that we should, further, point out and draw attention to any wrongdoing that we witness in the world around us. These points are even beaten into our heads in the US in the form of various folktales about historical United States presidents and other prominent figures doing “the right thing” when the chance was presented for them to do otherwise. Of course, while stories like “Honest Abe and the Six Pennies” serve as grea…
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'Old boss told me to contact his lawyers... So I did': Worker fired for workplace injury, sues for commission they weren't being fairly paid

'Old boss told me to contact his lawyers... So I did': Worker fired for workplace injury, sues for commission they weren't being fairly paid

Oftentimes, in life, it can be startling just how incompetent some people are, they may be incompetent even to the point of cruelty and you may be convinced that cruelty is their base and driving function. However, as Hanlon's Razor reasons for us, we should “ Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.” Of course, this doesn't always apply when greed and lust for power are driving forces, though stupidity often plays into these decisions too. Stupidity or cruelty…
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terrible coworkers workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work coworkers workplace coworker workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 24664325

Office manager lies about dish washing duties, worker exposes her to CEO: 'Oh, I was informed that all the staff wash their own dishes...'

The chore of doing the dishes is one of the great equalizers of this world, and whether or not someone is doing their part to keep the dishes cleared is an argument that will take place in different places with different people throughout your entire life. It starts when you're a kid and your parents are trying to impart to you the role and responsibility and just the sheer flipping amount of time that it takes to do the basic necessary household tasks that your parents are doing for you on a d…
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employment job jobs Horrible Bosses work workplace i quit quit quitting malicious compliance antiwork workplace-stories employment-discussion workplace discussion employment issues in the workplace workplace malicious compliance - 24654853

'Ok, but it’ll cost you £1m': Engineer makes technical manual filled with memes and quits after being demoted for boss's arrogant mistake

There's nothing worse than working for someone who is as arrogant as they are irresponsible. You'll soon find yourself doing all of the work to keep the company above water while getting absolutely no recognition or thanks for it. That's the situation this worker found themselves in tasked with expanding production and business operations for the small business owner that they worked for. They crafted and executed their plan only to be stonewalled by their boss when it came to paying to hire th…
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ceo employment job jobs Horrible Bosses resigned work workplace i quit quit quitting malicious compliance workplace-stories workplace discussion in the workplace workplace malicious compliance - 24338949

'Today the company operates with 35% remaining employees': Employer tells worker to "act their wage," they quit and tank the company

Being told that you should “know your place” by the person who has been benefiting
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workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 24591877

'They all hated me': Worker's warnings of impending disaster are ignored leading to meltdown

Sometimes in life you just have to grab the bull by the horns and take the reigns into your own hands, taking charge so that the ship rightens straight on to the course that it was set—you know, and all that jazz. Of course, those who were supposed to be in charge and were steering the ship straight into a sandbar or a reef (with utter confidence) may not appreciate you doing so. No, the people in charge don't really appreciate being told they're wrong, even when they are frequently and with fe…
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workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance revenge work petty revenge hiring workplace interview interview employment workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 24452613

'You don't get a job': Nurse manager refuses to hire nurse who was unpleasant towards them earlier in their career

It's rather poetic when, in life, someone's misdeeds come back full circle to bring their entitled approach to life back down to earth. It's the kind of thing you only really expect to see in stories—namely the type you read in high school literally class that your teacher picks apart and overanalyses in excruciating detail. But, it does happen, and you won't forget it when it does. In the workplace, it usually occurs in the form of an ill-mannered ex-colleague or boss applying for a job at you…
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