workplace environment

‘I was basically tricked into buying it’: Manager promises free item from store for employee's birthday, goes back and says the price will be deducted from their pay

‘I was basically tricked into buying it’: Manager promises free item from store for employee's birthday, goes back and says the price will be deducted from their pay

'Never let someone tell you how much you are worth': Loyal employee gets denied raise and then finds her position listed on a job site, quits on the spot and gets $30k more

'Never let someone tell you how much you are worth': Loyal employee gets denied raise and then finds her position listed on a job site, quits on the spot and gets $30k more

‘It broke my heart, but I couldn’t tolerate it anymore’: Karen manager secretly changes schedule and ‘forces’ employee to quit, higher ups apologize and ask her to return but it's too late

‘It broke my heart, but I couldn’t tolerate it anymore’: Karen manager secretly changes schedule and ‘forces’ employee to quit, higher ups apologize and ask her to return but it's too late

'[She] quit before lunch on the first day': The quickest on-the-spot quits employees have witnessed firsthand

'[She] quit before lunch on the first day': The quickest on-the-spot quits employees have witnessed firsthand

20+ Funny PTO Memes for Employees Ready to Use Their Vacation Days

20+ Funny PTO Memes for Employees Ready to Use Their Vacation Days

‘[He’s] trying to poke holes in their offer': Employee is convinced not to quit when boss goes back on scheduling issue, but she receives a better offer and quits anyway, boss panics

‘[He’s] trying to poke holes in their offer': Employee is convinced not to quit when boss goes back on scheduling issue, but she receives a better offer and quits anyway, boss panics

‘I told them to kick rocks’: Employee quits after 5 years of being denied a promotion, panicked company finally offers him a promotion, but it's too late

‘I told them to kick rocks’: Employee quits after 5 years of being denied a promotion, panicked company finally offers him a promotion, but it's too late

'I love justice': Smug boss fires employee but twists it to say he quit, ends up digging himself a ditch and now owes the ex-employee $500 extra

'I love justice': Smug boss fires employee but twists it to say he quit, ends up digging himself a ditch and now owes the ex-employee $500 extra

A Pink Slip of Memes and Tweets to Send Your Boss If You Want to Quit Your Job

A Pink Slip of Memes and Tweets to Send Your Boss If You're Trying to Quit Your Job

Employee snubbed of promotion by salty department head calls him out in front of all the division bigwigs, gets justice: ‘[I wish] I could be a fly on the wall for THAT conversation'

Employee snubbed of promotion by salty department head calls him out in front of all the division bigwigs, gets justice: ‘[I wish] I could be a fly on the wall for THAT conversation'

‘I was their “Cinderella"’: 19-year-old spa receptionist finally quits on the spot and walks out after finding a preemptive ‘write-up’ slip about herself

‘I was their “Cinderella"’: 19-year-old spa receptionist finally quits on the spot and walks out after finding a preemptive ‘write-up’ slip about herself

'Knock ‘em down a peg!’: Estimator for a niche construction manufacturing company puts his micromanaging managers in place with one ‘car-less’ mistake

'Knock ‘em down a peg!’: Estimator for a niche construction manufacturing company puts his micromanaging managers in place with one ‘car-less’ mistake

best work memes from this week

34 Working Hard or Hardly Working Memes for Exhausted Employees

‘It sent me over the edge': Employee returns after maternity leave just to quit and put in her 30-day notice, other mothers show support and share their own rage-quit stories

‘It sent me over the edge': Employee returns after maternity leave just to quit and put in her 30-day notice, other mothers show support and share their own rage-quit stories

'I feel mortified': 28-year-old panic-quits dental assistant job after getting nearly 0 training, then gets rejected to work at a cafe for being “too old”

'I feel mortified': 28-year-old panic-quits dental assistant job after getting nearly 0 training, then gets rejected to work at a cafe for being “too old”

9 to 5 Memes for Employees Ready to Clock Out

9 to 5 Work Memes for Employees Ready to Clock Out