
workplace discussion

employment job jobs revenge work workplace malicious compliance toxic-workplace toxic-work-environment workplace-stories workplace discussion in the workplace workplace malicious compliance - 25366533

Worker calls out pedantic boss's ironic presentation mistake: 'Yeah, that is a careless mistake, huh?'

Being particular about something is all well and good… to a point. You can want something done a certain way with good reason, but overly inflicting your pedantic ways on other people isn't going to make you any friends, and when you're managing a team, it certainly isn't going to win anyone over or inspire loyalty. No, it's always better to have a little flexibility and give your team members agency over their respective roles; letting people do things they're responsible for in their own way…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 25320965

'Congratulations!': HR gives worker letter congratulating them on their 4.75% raise but then says they will still be paid the same amount

There are plenty of times in life where things just don't make sense and where people try and lead you to believe that 1+1=3 which doesn't really line up with the figure that you might have expected or the actual truth of the situation. A lot of these situations will probably take place at work under the supervision of someone who has no business being in charge. Let's do a little math equation as an example. I know—I know…. you didn't think you were signing up for homework when you clicked on…
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workplace discussion worker workplace-stories employee fired work stories director manager work coworkers workplace funny - 25331717

Managers reveal the worst thing an employee has done to get fired: 'He walked in 25 minutes late holding a Starbucks cup and said “I couldn’t help it, the drive thru took forever”'

No one wants to get fired. A lot of times, getting fired is entirely out of our control. Lots of employees have found themselves in this situation recently, with companies doing mass layoffs and inflation continuing to rise. In this one employee's case, their boss changed their workweek from 40 hours to 42.5 hours, causing rage amongst the workforce, while many outside perspectives speculated that this was the employer's way of weeding out employees without having to do mass layoffs. Whatever t…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 25296645

Worker told they're not going to be paid for overtime because they "volunteered": 'I [didn't] get paid'

Overtime, by definition, is still time on the clock, and voluntarily staying to work that time doesn't automatically mean that your employer is now a charity. You can't just “volunteer” for your employer. The very premise itself is silly. Sure, if you're on a salary that is exempt from overtime pay, you'll probably have to work some extra hours during times of high workload, but it's expected that, in turn, during times when there is less work to be done you'll still get paid your full salary.…
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rules management workplace discussion salary worker employee hr enlightening manager job work helpful life advice pay raise advice uplifting workplace retired job search workforce company eye opening guidelines employment - 25286405

Retired employee shares 4 important rules he's learned in the workforce: 'Management is NOT your friend'

As you go through your years as an employee, sometimes, you've gotta learn things the hard way. From work-life balance to advocating for better working standards, we don't always know what's acceptable and what's not when we're new to the workforce. It's good to look back and reflect on how much you've changed since you started working. Maybe you used to try and put on a performance during a job interview, but now you're interviewing the employer, too. Or maybe you used to accept whatever...
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‘You brought this on yourself…’: Server puts lying patron in her place after fabricating a food allergy in an attempt to force the restaurant to accommodate her food preferences

‘You brought this on yourself…’: Server puts lying patron in her place after fabricating a food allergy in an attempt to force the restaurant to accommodate her food preferences

A career in the service industry is never easy. However, it gets ten times more challenging when someone tells the chef they have dietary sensitivities in order to ensure that they take their dislike of a specific ingredient seriously. The story that follows is relayed by an unhappy server. The Original Poster (OP) is in charge of asking customers if they have any special dietary needs that the chef should be aware of. That's why OP investigated the matter properly when a disgruntled customer c…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work mildly infuriating workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 25340165

Worker reprimanded by manager for not arriving 15 minutes before their scheduled shift: 'I argued with him'

Typically, when working a shift job that relies on a schedule, you'd expect your obligations simply to be present when that shift starts until when that shift ends—nothing more and nothing less. Yet, it's common in many industries that rely on the “almighty” schedule for managers to expect you to be present and ready to work (sometimes even actually working) before your shift starts. Usually, this expectation will be somewhere around five minutes before the start of the shift but occasionally w…
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terrible coworkers workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs hr job malicious compliance revenge work coworkers petty revenge workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 25185285

Coworker keeps pushing their work onto employee, they take leave and watch the project come to a standstill: 'I went to HR'

There's nothing that will make someone miss you more than your absence, and sometimes, you need to make yourself out of the situation in order for them to fully appreciate you… Especially when that someone is your coworker who has been making you do all their work for them. If you're not around, who's going to do their work? This employee wasn't about to put up with being pushed around for too long, and after putting up with their coworker pushing their workload onto them for the first two mont…
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workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 25096197

Boss forces worker to stay and work late despite having nothing to do, gets paid to read: 'My boss was speechless'

"People who work hard work more hours…" This is probably something you've heard before and probably from your boss who wants everyone to know how many hours a week they work, wearing their overworkedness like a badge of honor—a testament to their dedication. The thing is… Is this even true? Where did this idea that sitting at your desk for more hours mean you're working harder even come from? It's not as if the simple amount of hours you work actually has any bearing on how much work you've don…
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workplace discussion tips workplace-stories jobs job barista customers tipping underpaid tip jar coffee employment in the workplace - 25225989

'It's a symptom of a wider problem but it's still theft': Barista secretly adds tip on card reader after customer declines receipt, customer conflicted

Tipping culture has become a topic of discussion lately, as a lot of companies now offer tipping options on their card readers, even if they did not previously participate in tipping. Tipping used to be reserved for workers such as servers, but now it seems like any corporation can request a tip. Some customers find it ridiculous, while others participate in tipping because they sympathize with the low wages many people in the service industry face. However, what if an employee added a tip to y…
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workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 24971013

IT employee maliciously complies to new boss's autocratic dress code: '[I wore] hi-vis polo shirts'

Appearances are important—in any part of life. The first impression someone makes of you will largely be based on how they perceive you before you've ever even had any interaction with them. This, of course, is one of the first things that you'll be told by your parents, guardians, or other older persons who have a vested interest in your life and success. You'll likely hear and read this advice repeatedly throughout your life from teachers, bosses, strangers—and even in short introductory para…
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workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 25235717

Corporate agency demands more detailed timesheets, worker charges all their bureaucratic tasks, gets time off as a result: 'They freaked out'

Dealing with needless paperwork and bureaucratic annoyances is just a part of working for an organization. Chances are the larger the organization, the more they're going to have a strong attachment to arduous processes and ever-increasing stacks of paperwork. There are other factors, too; depending on how controlling and pedantic each manager up the chain of command is, you might end up with more or less paperwork than the expected amount for your organization. If the biggest baddest boss love…
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workplace discussion instructor workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work course workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 25235461

Worker forced to attend boring training, uses instructor's lesson against them: '[He said] I was being unreasonable'

Knowing how to effectively communicate with your peers, subordinates—and especially your managers—is (unfortunately) one of the greatest determining factors not only in the success of projects but in how you're regarded within the company, too. Work too hard and say too little, and you'll still find yourself first on the chopping block when it comes time to lighten up the load of payroll, while saying too much and not doing much at all will usually keep you moving up the chain of command. Yes,…
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workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs tech support talesfromtechsupport toxic-workplace job malicious compliance work technology it IT guy workplace timsheets workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 25140741

IT worker charges 16 hours to 2 hour job when management instates new painstaking time-logging system: '[The] client refused to pay'

If you've ever worked a job that relies on timesheets, you know how this goes… Management (usually of the upper variety) wants to keep better track of how and where staff are spending their time, they pressure staff to charge out more hours to jobs, trying to keep them from posting “unproductive” uncharged hours. Suddenly, clients are getting charged more hours, and therefor paying more, for services implement The really interesting thing about management wanting to better track
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workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work captain military workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 25111557

Worker denied 2 days of leave because of strict policy, follows same policy and gets a month off instead: 'It was a great month'

Strict adherence to policy is a double-edged sword; if you demand unquestioning obedience to the rules when it benefits you, then you need to hold that same zealous ideal when things aren't stacked to go your way. Unfortunately, we humans seem to really struggle with this and love nothing more than changing rules, or our interpretation of them, to suit us best—sometimes without realizing we're doing so. After all, we're all the heroes of our own stories, and we have the uncanny ability to hold…
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workplace discussion employment issues workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion contractors manager job workplace Horrible Bosses contractor employment in the workplace - 25182213

'No': Middle manager demands contractor attend "mandatory" meeting, contractor replies with a simple "no"

Contracting is a tough gig, yet it is becoming increasingly common as companies seek to shift further towards a low-cost, low-obligation workforce. The thing is, as a contractor, you have fewer benefits and less guarantee of income, but while that uncertainty can be hard to manage, it makes up for that in flexibility. See, when you're a contractor, your “employer” (clients) really can't make you do anything outside of the contracted production they're paying you for. They can't set when or how…
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