

should-you-quit toxic-manager employee manager upper management r-antiwork quitting-advice work-life balance Reddit workplace-culture - 21125637

'I've really started noticing how sad it is': Employee on verge of quitting sparks discussion on what to do when your boss has no work-life balance

There is a difference between working your hardest and only working. Life is all about balance and that especially goes for any career you're chasing. You will never be happy if you make your entire life about your job, just like you will not be happy if you make your entire life about your partner or your hobby or whatever. Us humans need balance. Work-life balance is extremely important. It's not only essential for mental health, but it is also essential in being a great employee. If you make…
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toxic-manager fired toxic-workplace texting fail laid off toxic-bestie toxic-bff toxic-boss company-shutdown toxic-CEO toxic-best-friend workplace-culture - 19625477

'My life fell apart due to one screenshot' : Employee and bestie with CEO loses job and friendship all due to one regretful group text message

Everyone always thinks, “oh it would be so nice to work with my besties!” But those who have been through that before know the potential disaster that it can become. You have to realize that just because you are working with a group of friends, doesn't mean there isn't going to be a hierarchy, and if you're friend group can't handle that workplace culture, it is most likely going to fall apart—both the business and the friendship… That is exactly what happened to one recent Reddit poster. She w…
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healthy-workplace employee happy-employees toxic-workplace healthy-management work upper management management-questions toxic-boss leadership-roles workplace-culture workplace-etiquette - 19570949

'No one wants to be friends with their boss': Manager complains that his staff is too chummy and he feels left out, internet serves up harsh reality check

Getting a manager you get along with is rare these days. The workforce is filled with entitled Karen and Kyle bosses that think since they're you boss they can treat you like trash. Those jobs are the kind you have to quit as soon as possible. However, when you find upper management that you actual click with, it's feels like the sky has opened and the sun is shining down on you and the angels sing, ya know? However, how far can you go with that “click” with upper management before it's too far…
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Realtor Group Employees Make Hilarious Video Showing Their Boss Why They Need a Raise in This Economy

'We told our boss we deserve a raise and he said prove it': Realtor Group's Millennial Employees Make Hilarious Video Showing Their Boss Why They Need a Raise in This Economy

It's funny how your boss will complain about the price of gas with you until you ask them for a rise so you can pay for said gas to get to work and now all of a sudden your boss doesn't think it's thaaaaaat expensive. Usually when you ask for a raise, before you even approach your boss or manager you gather all the reasons why you deserve it, show all the tangible work you have been doing, and try to prepare as best as you can to negotiate with confidence and stand your ground. However, with mi…
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