

entitled karen tries to trick other hotel guests out of the room she wanted, hotel management epically stops her and serves her a heaping dose of justice

'Repeat guests are wonderful… Until they’re not': Hotel Manager Flawlessly Puts Entitled Karen in Her Place After She Throws Tantrum and Attempts to Remove Other Hotel Guests from Her ‘Usual’ Room

Ahhh yes, the hospitality industry. It can be a wonderful place… Until it's not. If you have ever worked in hospitality or have just been in a hotel during a rush, then you can see the kind of entitled monsters it attracts. Because an establishment is providing you a comfortable place to sleep, all of a sudden, people think that means you have to cater to ALL of their comforts. But that's just not the case, now is it? Well, try telling that to a repeat guest who turns out to be an entitled Kare…
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