

work workplace coworker coworkers manager ceo boss c-level employee fired firing getting-fired termination terminated hired ceos nepotism nepobaby

'I can't wait for Monday': Exemplary employee gets fired by a nepo-baby manager; gets revenge by leaving behind a boobytrapped break room full of rotting trash

Top-tier employees usually go unnoticed by upper management. As a workforce, we go above and beyond to keep the company on its feet and it seems like the folks that reap the most benefits have the fewest qualifications. Nepotism ransacks corporations, leaving open the managerial positions for those with shared genetics with the C-level bosses, god-complexes, and an Associates Degree in Business.
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work workers working work-stories reddit employee employees boss manager managers supervisor quit i-quit quitting manager-stories reddit-thread hilarious

'I had someone quit because they couldn't find parking': 20+ Managers share the silliest reasons their employees have quit on the spot

Work can be stressful. There are a million reasons that we don't want to go to work, but most people put on their adulting shoes and go clock in anyways. Why? Because we like being able to pay our bills. However, when your work life starts to become a little too much to bear, some employees consider pulling the parachute and bailing on the workplace.
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work workplace coworker worker employee employees boss manager supervisor working dress-code dress reddit reddit-thread fashion clothes hawaiian-shirts shirts casual clothing

'Game on': Spunky employee maliciously complies with his manager's strict 'collared shirt' dress code by filling his closet with hideous tropical shirts

Although some fashionable folks cherish their clothing choices every morning, there are others who value comfort over all else, believing that dress codes are reserved for weddings, private high schools, and the opera house. The flip-flop and shorts crowd might even consider the suit-wearing types to be a bit stuck up, forcing their arbitrary dress code requirements on the casual masses in the workplace.
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work working workplace coworkers coworker manager boss employee employees teams supervisor reddit reddit-thread working-from-home hr smile

‘[I'll] smile for a raise': Boss messages his employee privately asking her to ‘smile more’ in their weekly teams video call; she refuses and hilarity ensues in the comments

Women everywhere are accustomed to weird old men asking them to ‘smile more’. The classic back-handed diss has become so frequent in everyone's life that we've all learned to roll our eyes and move on with our day, well-aware that ‘smiling more would make us seem so much prettier’. I'll smile later when something's funny, but will never do so just because a random stranger suggested it as a beauty tip.
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reddit reddit-thread thread malicious-compliance malicious-compliance-reddit boss manager supervisor fired fire firing hiring program programming

'The factory chief laughed in my face': Irreplaceable employee creates a program to aid factory operations, gets fired and takes his intellectual property with him

Innovation is never rewarded in the workplace. For some reason, bosses, managers, and supervisors feel entitled to the intellectual property of their employees when they're on the clock, but when an irreplaceable worker creates something invaluable to the company, suddenly it's like we're on the recess blacktop again and the school bully is trying to steal your jump rope because 'they saw it first'...
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'You can't use a shopping cart': Customer complies with disgruntled cashier's demands, leading to overfilled checkout counter hassle

'You can't use a shopping cart': Customer complies with disgruntled cashier's demands, leading to overfilled checkout counter hassle

This story includes one overworked, tired cashier who despised the fact that he had to keep pointing out a strikingly obvious sign that read, ‘Leave your shopping cart outside’ to customers who did not go out of their way to read it. This story also involves a customer who worked at a liquor store and had to get a bunch of bottles for the upcoming holiday. So in simple terms, it included two minimum-wage workers who were not getting enough money for dealing with other people's messes on a daily…
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reddit reddit-thread malicious-compliance farm farmer labor laborer hay worker employee boss job working dishes dishwasher

'He never asked me to do dishes again': Farmworker floods his boss's kitchen with soap bubbles to get out of house chores that are not in his job description

When you're good at your job, your boss will inevitably ask you to do MORE tasks outside of your job description. Naturally, that never comes with a raise or recognition of any kind, so most employees wrinkle their nose at the prospects of overachieving. In this case, a hardworking manual labor worker was asked to do menial tasks that were so far out of his job description, that he decided to take action to ensure that he would never be asked again.
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gift-card retirement retired retiree job work corporate unfair fast-food fast-food-chain franchise company loyalty pension worker part-time employee reward gift celebration

'[They] gave him a gift card for 30+ years of loyalty': Fast food employee celebrates retirement; gets 'rewarded' by corporate with a pathetic gift card

Back in the day, when mythical pensions existed and companies took care of their employees, workers would typically stay at their job and work for their company for decades, oftentimes riding out their first entry-level position all the way to retirement. Nowadays, celebrating a 2 year anniversary with a company is a huge accomplishment and most employees just don't have the same kind of loyalty anymore. In this case, one part-time employee had just celebrated his 30 year anniversary before...
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minimum-wage wage wages workers work employee corporate test cheating cheat raise salary payday money check dishonest unethical reddit antiwork reddit-thread america discussion

'I'm feeling guilty': Minimum wage worker goes from making $13/hr to $32/hr, using dishonesty to climb the ladder and support his newborn baby

Getting a good job is nearly impossible these days. One man learned that in today's America, you gotta be a little ruthless, a little dastardly, and extremely cunning in order to get everything you want out of a job. In this case, OP was a minimum wage worker who was living with his parents who hacked the system with a little white lie...
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salary boss worker maternity leave employee manager salesperson coworkers upper management commission ceo Office incompetence managers sales workers bad bosses company coworker paycut - 21189125

'The only reason I took it was for the raise': Boss begs their salesperson to cover their position while they're on maternity leave, then cuts their salary last minute, shorting them ~$200 per week

C-level management seems to forget that their ‘family’ of employees is really only working so they can get that money bag every two weeks. Despite their lofty claims that everyone's on the same team and needs to reach company goals, a lot of workers are starting to refuse to do more work unless they're financially compensated– as it should be!
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'The entire project came crashing down': Coworkers get put in their place when woman stops doing their work

'The entire project came crashing down': Coworkers get put in their place when woman stops doing their work

Of all the many frustrating experiences that are waiting for you when you arrive at work, there is arguably none greater than a coworker who refuses to pull their weight. Without fail, their dragging of the chain will hold back the rest of their team, who will have to pick up the slack if they have any hopes of keeping projects on track and hitting KPIs—keeping the ever-watchful roving eye of management looking elsewhere and the team's heads off the chopping block. Still, after weeks, months—ye…
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'Effective immediately': Employee gets fired on the spot after giving notice to their restaurant job

'Effective immediately': Employee gets fired on the spot after giving notice to their restaurant job

Giving notice to a job is the right thing to do—when you have the right employer. Like any relationship, the working relationship is built on trust, and a strong relationship that is filled with goodwill should always be honored. But when you know that the person employing you is prone to petty fits of rage—which often include firing people on the spot with no prior warning—maybe it's best not to let this person know that you plan on leaving their business in the next few weeks. After all, they…
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'I lied about how much I currently earn': Desperate worker lands a better job by exaggerating their current earnings

'I lied about how much I currently earn': Desperate worker lands a better job by exaggerating their current earnings

Sometimes you have to fake it ‘till you make it, that may or may not include your salary. I’m not sure you're on the right side of ethics if you do this.
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nepotism boss worker employee workplace-malicious-compliance nepo-boss malicious compliance tales-from-the-workplace work coworkers malicious-compliance-reddit awesome co-workers not workplace employment - 20767749

'I couldn’t understand my trainer [and] couldn’t hear the customers': Nepo-Karen boss tells worker to take out their hearing aids, predictable result ensues

There's a reason why you're forced to show your work in math class. It's important that you can prove how you reached a conclusion to show that you comprehend the reasoning and aren't just blindly following the rule. Unfortunately, the same requirement is not translated well—or consistently—from the classroom to the workplace, with too many managers blindly following rules that they don't understand to the point of sociopathic cruelty. This issue also isn't helped by the fact that there are a l…
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coworkers Horrible Bosses viral videos workplace i quit quit quitting worker bad bosses antiwork in-the-workplace stories-from-the-workplace - 20699397

'Where are you?': Worker quits, boss schedules them anyways and accuses them of 'no showing'

When you give notice to your job, it's usually done to let your workplace know that you intend not to show up anymore—like that's the whole point. You're not saying, “Oh, yeah, feel free to keep me on the roster when it's convenient for you.” You're saying, “I'm leaving now, and I intend never to return. Good riddance to the lot of you.” Like ending any relationship, there's a chance that either party may not cope so well with the sudden change. Still, when it's your ego-maniac boss having a de…
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worker workplace-stories fired toxic-workplace workplace-story i quit quit micromanaging workplace coworker quitting - 20526597

'He would barely look at anyone after that': Worker gets micromanaging boss fired by writing fake reviews

When you end up in a situation where you're faced with a micromanaging boss, there often aren't a lot of options… HR might not take you seriously or even take your side; you usually won't be in a position where you can outright quit on the spot, and standing up for yourself is usually just going to make your life harder. This means that you may need to resort to alternative means, just as this worker did when they grew tired of their micromanaging boss. They share that, as happens all too often…
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