
work story

boss how to quit work drama employee fired manager passively fired work story workplace environment i quit quit on the spot satisfying quitting story fired through text quitting work workplace quitting story passive firing quitting workplace story - 22866693

‘Did I just get fired?’: Retail employee isn't scheduled for 3 weeks, wonders if she's being passively fired, internet suggest she just quit

So, you finally landed a job—congrats! You've done a few days of training already and now you're ready to get into the nitty gritty of it. But, oh wait, what's this? You aren't on the schedule… You ask again and again when you're working, and nothing. Then they slap you with the “not on the schedule for multiple weeks.” Unfortunately, this is all too familiar a situation in careers like customer service and retail. One retail employee recently took to Reddit in the midst of confusion when she w…
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boss how to quit work drama employee fired manager work story workplace environment i quit quit on the spot satisfying quitting story quitting work workplace hostess quitting story quitting workplace story service industry restaurant job - 22775557

'She called 8 times in the run of 24 hours:' Restaurant employee no-call/no-shows for her shifts, refuses to believe the manager when he tells her she's fired

Oh no, if it isn't the consequences of your actions! What a surprise… NOT. Yeah, I brought back that joke. Because it truly should not be a surprise. When you do something, like flake on committed plans, then you're going to have to suffer the consequences of your actions. Funny enough, this employee was aghast when she was faced with the outcome of her actions. She no-called/no-showed for her restaurant shift. If you don't t know what that is, it's basically self-explanatory. It's when you don…
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salesforce admin boss failblog how to quit work drama employee manager work story workplace environment tech employee working tech i quit quit on the spot it sysadmin satisfying quitting story quitting work workplace Reddit quitting story tech jobs quitting workplace story - 22708741

‘They paid me $50,000… So, I [quit] and found more’: Company who denied a raise has to contract ex-salesforce admin back for 3x his old salary because they can't retain a new employee for more than 3 weeks

Ever heard the saying, “spending dollars to save pennies”? It means you're putting more effort in than you're actually getting out. So if you spend $5 to save .50¢, it's not really a savings, is it? For some reason, this doesn't compute to some companies when it comes to power play. They'd rather seem like the one that holds all the power than give you a raise. One post on the subreddit r/sysadmin has the comment section of a lifetime. They asked if anybody had quit a tech job where the company…
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r/workadvice boss failblog how to quit work drama employee manager work story workplace environment i quit quit on the spot satisfying quitting story quitting work workplace Reddit quitting story quitting workplace story - 22681861

'I picked up my bags and left': Shy 21-year-old salesgirl keeps getting unfairly reprimanded by her older manager, so she quits on the spot

If you are riddled with anxiety and think of yourself as a shy person (like many people in the world), then sometimes it's hard to do things that you know will benefit you. Sometimes you just want to drop everything and walk away like it never even happened. For example, putting in your two weeks. In this case on Reddit, this salesgirl was only 21 years old and very very shy. Apparently, the optical store she works out asks for a two-month notice, which is insane. Luckily, that is just the cour…
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‘I had been sleeping in the office’: Software administrator rescues company's data from hackers, only gets $625 and is offered a below-market raise, so he quits

‘I had been sleeping in the office working nonstop’: Software administrator rescues company's data, only gets $625 and a below-market raise, so he quits

Too often do employees give company's their 100%, only to get the company's 1% in return. It really sours your view on job searching. You want to find the job of your dreams and make a fulfilling career out of it, but if they people running it are just using and abusing you, then it might be time to move on to big and better things. That's exactly what this software administrator did, as explained in their two-parter Reddit post. Their initial post was from several years ago, when they were fir…
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'He got a promotion... by getting fired': Programmer gets fired to caught costs, has to be rehired a month later since he coded their entire system, gets better position and pay

'He got a promotion... by getting fired': Programmer gets fired to caught costs, has to be rehired a month later since he coded their entire system, gets better position and pay

You never know what you have until you lose it. This saying is usually used when talking about heartbreak, but in this case, it's about a useful employee. A reddit post shared an epic return on a computer programmer who got fired. This person was fired because the nefarious manager that nobody liked said he could find someone who could do his job for cheaper and he needed to cut costs. The programmer was upset, mostly because he loved the job and had put a lot of his sweat and time into it, but…
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‘Boy, did it feel good’: Customer service phone representative clocks out for good after satisfyingly going off on a Karen caller during her last day

‘Boy, did it feel good’: Customer service phone representative clocks out for good after satisfyingly going off on a Karen caller during her last day

If you don't understand how extremely draining and annoying it is to be a customer service phone representative, then maybe it's time you take a good look in the mirror. Perhaps you're the Karen? This job requires you to sit on the phone all day long and listen to people complain, mostly entitled people demanding things they don't even pay for, and you're expected to keep your cool the entire time and be “helpful.” You think the service industry attracts super Karens, these call centers are bur…
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'I was going to give you my 2 week's notice today, but I'm just done': Non-profit director quits on the spot, provides manager with a list of all their incompetence

'I was going to give you my 2 week's notice today, but I'm just done': Non-profit director quits on the spot, provides manager with a list of all their incompetence

Quitting isn't usually as explosive as the movies make it seem. It's not usually just someone at their wits end completely losing it and leaving all the burned bridges in their path. Usually, people planning on quitting try to take the high road and will put in a two week's notice and try to wrap things up so there are no loose ends after they leave, etc. etc. That is totally out of professionalism and not because you have to. But sometimes, it really is that abrupt. When you are working for so…
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reddit reddit-thread petty-revenge revenge petty malicious-compliance boss work supervisor employee fired payback deserved mc pro-revenge

'My replacement quit after I left... they didn't feel safe working for an untrustworthy boss': Loyal employee gets fired for no reason then wins a hefty lawsuit settlement, watching the company go up in flames afterwards

Getting fired for no reason is infuriating. When you've dedicated your life to a company, it's disheartening to be thrown away like yesterday's garbage at the first sign of trouble. No matter how much a company says "we're like a family", we all know that if they truly believe that, these CEO's probably have the most dysfunctional families on Earth.
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'If only he had been patient and trusted my judgement': Skilled craftsman gets reprimanded for doing his job, cleverly finagles manager to work 3 extra hours alone

'If only he had been patient and trusted my judgement': Skilled craftsman gets reprimanded for doing his job, cleverly finagles manager to work 3 extra hours alone

Do not question the skilled craftsman. That's just common sense, right? Apparently not, according to this Reddit thread . A skilled tool and die maker was doing his job when he got reprimanded. He knows, from years of experience and knowing how to do his job and do it well, that he had to wait 30 minutes before doing anything else. The machine is testy and he knows it's ups and downs. So he waited patiently so that the machine would work properly. However, the annoying manager who thinks he kno…
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'I might get fired and I don't really care': Employee claps back at customer who throws $1 in quarters at his face, shop owner throws out GMs write-up

'I might get fired and I don't really care': Employee claps back at customer who throws $1 in quarters at his face, shop owner throws out GMs write-up

A super power you quickly gain while working in customer service is patience. And boy, you never realize how powerful that is until you have to use it. Imagine standing there and a customer is berating you with nonsense and you just have to look at them and be calm and understanding. Like, “yes, lady, I love to be told how to do my job that I've been doing for years now. Tell me again how you work the discount code even though you've never worked retail in your life and you don't even know how…
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reddit reddit-thread work work-story workplace boss office bosses employee coworker meeting zoom remote wfh work-from-home timezone coordinator meetings call corporate ceo payback

‘He joined 10 minutes late… Boss was [furious]’: Careless employee nearly misses a 6AM call with all of the C-level bosses after disrespecting the meeting coordinator

Working for a company across multiple timezones can be a challenge. For the CEO's in London, it may seem simple to schedule a lunch meeting, but for their lowly employees on the west coast of the USA, it's 4am. To avoid all of the WFH employees showing up with robes on, their eyelids drifting shut, and a useless coffee in hand, teams need to coordinate heavily in order to make meetings go smoothly.
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reddit reddit-thread work work-story malicious-compliance workplace employee fired boss supervisor remote remote-employee laptop equipment company

'[Don't] waste my time': After firing a remote employee without warning, company demands he return a $500 laptop; he ships it for $850 at their expense as revenge

Working remote has its perks… but it also has its downfalls. Although you have the freedom to work in your own home (or wherever you please), it also means that upper management never actually knows who you are, which seems hunky-dory until you realize that, as an expendable employee, it's never been easier to get fired. Unfortunately for one employee, he got sideswiped by this reality in the worst way.
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'It’s so good to see him still fuming about it after months': Pierced employee out-logics manager and gets to continue wearing her piercings at work

'It’s so good to see him still fuming about it after months': Pierced employee out-logics manager and gets to continue wearing her piercings at work

The workforce has come a long way from its strict dress codes of the early 2000s. Now, business casual can include tattoos and piercings. However, great change doesn't come all at once, so for now, there are still places out there that will make you remove your piercing for some made up rule. One woman started a job and was told she must remove her industrial ear piercing. And industrial is a piercing in the ear that is a bar going from a hole made at the top of the ear to the side middle. It's…
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‘Strike when the time is right’: Factory's lawyer plays long-game, outsmarting new company's big shot attorneys and their claim to pipe color ‘green’ by finding a clause in their own contract

‘Strike when the time is right’: Factory's lawyer plays long-game, outsmarting new company's big shot attorneys and their claim to pipe color ‘green’ by finding a clause in their own contract

One retired lawyer spilled the beans to u/necronboy and some other factory workers back in the 90s, about 30 years ago, at a ‘End of the year break-up party’, as OP called it. This corporate lawyer recounted his most memorable case in all his years of working, and it had everyone listening with bated breath, impressed at his unique storytelling skills (hey, he is a lawyer, after all). According to OP, this was the greyest man you had ever seen, from his suit, to his hair, to his skin, and the y…
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