work stories

'I'm still wearing a fake mustache': Former employee gets offered the interview opportunity of a lifetime

'I'm still wearing a fake mustache': Former employee gets offered the interview opportunity of a lifetime by a clueless recruiter

20+ Satisfying texts and photos from bosses and their employees who are heading for the door

'I'm not coming in': 20+ Satisfying texts and photos from fed-up employees and their horrible bosses

Photographers of Reddit: What is the most outrageous photo shoot request you have received from an Instagram "influencer"?

'It got obnoxious really fast': 20+ Influencers who wanted professional photographers to work for 'exposure'

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'That is when I lost my job': Employee tasked with making a business plan discovers major discrepancies, gets fired for calling them out

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'You are a true asset to the team': Boss rewards employee's extra work with a shady pack of gum

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'Coworker got sued and then sued the company': Boss refuses to let employee see his sick mother, employee retaliates, causing lawsuit

Bill Gates said, "I will always choose a lazy person to do a difficult job because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it." What's a real-life example of this?

'My nephew outsourced his chores': 20 Lazy people who are also really clever problem-solvers

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'No, sorry. Not the best time': Employee asked to contribute to multiple coworkers' birthday gifts despite never receiving his own gift

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'So many red flags': Boss insists salaried employee work on his house so that he 'doesn't have to pay'

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'We want to ask you to delete this comment': Job candidate leaves honest review about interview experience, CEO claps back and gets lawyer involved

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'Coworker talks to herself as well as inanimate objects': 10+ bizarre coworker stories

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'He just wanted a good reason to let me go': Employee fired for breaking company policy, debates exposing his boss to HR

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'They said they'd fire me if I didn't sign': Company with high turnover institutes new policy on resigning, prompting backlash

'She was always late for work': Coworker achieves petty revenge two years in the making

'She was always late for work': Coworker achieves petty revenge two years in the making

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'You amuse yourself in little petty ways': Underappreciated office manager sabotages photocopy machine with a paperclip

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'If you're able to crawl to your desk, you should be at work': Employee compiles list of problematic quotes from management for exit interview