work stories

Big Boss tells Former Boss to change the schedule. So she did.

'I was excited for the challenge': Professor receives schedule change, but two coworkers claim the professor 'shouldn't be teaching...those classes'

for prioritizing my work over my partner's.

'My meeting takes precedence': Remote-working couple juggle sharing computer monitor between their two jobs

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'Boss is forcing everyone to come in on a Sunday': Manager schedules mandatory 'deep clean' on the weekend, pays in cash for extra hours

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10+ Red Flags From Employers That You Might Not Recognize Immediately

Quit my job last night, it was nice to be home to make the kids breakfast and take them to school today!

'Have a good life': Employee quits job after boss scolds them for sitting down

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'More money': Employee gives honest feedback to HR for mandatory work survey

My BF gave himself an allergic reaction to get rid of his boss

'It was worth it': Boss ignores teen employee's important workplace request, employee decides to prove his point with a bold move

AITA for speaking up about a bad employer?

'I felt embarrassed afterwards knowing I might get fired': Employee texts their entire company in a group chat

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'I got fired for being sick': Employee gets fired for ER visit, boss loses customers

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'I helped end his career': Boss forces worker out of job, worker forces boss out of industry

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'Quit my job suddenly via email': Employee leaves without notice, boss insists on having face to face conversation, internet reacts

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'Ex-boss texted me a few days [later]': Boss begs employee to cover shifts after firing them

'I sent him119 emails': Expert malicious complier bombards boss with daily reports, then spends an entire day playing games

'I sent him 119 emails': Expert malicious complier bombards boss with daily reports, then spends an entire day playing games

Corn Cob Customer... WTF is wrong with people?

'Corn cob customer': Sandwich shop employee explains their two most baffling customers ever

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'I once worked as a professional bubble wrap popper': 20+ unusual jobs you don't see every day

A coworker called me a s technician. I reported him to HR and got him fired.

'I reported him to HR and got him fired': Hardware tech accuses IT coworker of 'cheating the system'