work stories

Employee uses loophole in strict time-tracking policy, takes extended sick leave instead: 'It's not my business'

Employee uses loophole in strict time-tracking policy, takes extended sick leave instead: 'It's not my business'

Employee contests 15% pay cut, causes several people to get demoted: 'Company is probably shaking in their boots right now'

Employee contests 15% pay cut, causes several people to get demoted: 'Company is probably shaking in their boots right now'

'I'm going to have to reject your application': Candidate receives offer, goes in to sign contract, employer changes his mind

'I'm going to have to reject your application': Candidate receives offer, goes in to sign contract, employer changes his mind

New CFO takes away employee perks valued at $10,000, then demands more work for same pay: 'I am now set back three years in pay increases'

New CFO takes away employee perks valued at $10,000, then demands more work for same pay: 'I am now set back three years in pay increases'

20+ restaurant secrets from overworked and underpaid servers: 'You should not drink fountain drinks'

20+ restaurant secrets from overworked and underpaid servers: 'You should not drink fountain drinks'

Boss makes overworked employee sign new contract to work 50-55 hours per week: 'I have to work 10 [...] hours a day for no additional pay'

Boss makes overworked employee sign new contract to work 50-55 hours per week: 'I have to work 10 [...] hours a day for no additional pay'

 terrible coworkers boss workplace-stories teams zoom jobs employee work stories job bosses work coworkers working employees workplace phone calls coworker Video

Brand new employee mortified by their interruption to video call: 'I let out a loud, audible sigh'

'If you don't want me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best': 20+ unprofessional comments job applicants wrote on their resumes

'If you don't want me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best': 20+ unprofessional comments job applicants wrote on their resumes

Fully remote HR rep denies employee's request to work from home due to childcare: 'It is 100% about control'

Fully remote HR rep denies employee's request to work from home due to childcare: 'It is 100% about control'

'I'm most likely getting fired': Employee complains about boss on social media, boss finds out, now his days are numbered

'I'm most likely getting fired': Employee complains about boss on social media, boss finds out, now his days are numbered

‘Dig your own grave I guess’: Boss forces specific employees to use PTO during a snowstorm instead of allowing them to work remotely

‘Dig your own grave I guess’: Boss forces specific employees to use PTO during a snowstorm instead of allowing them to work remotely

'You don't want me to do my job? Ok, I won't': Employee gets taken off of work project, incompetent coworker takes over, employee refuses to clean up her mess

'You don't want me to do my job? Ok, I won't': Employee gets taken off of work project, incompetent coworker takes over, employee refuses to clean up her mess

Micromanager enforces new clocking-in rule requiring employees to send 4 selfies per day: 'It feels unnecessary and uncomfortable'

Micromanager enforces new clocking-in rule requiring employees to send four selfies per day: 'It feels unnecessary and uncomfortable'

Office lunch thief eats birthday cake for employee's daughter, employee loses it: 'Your boss ate the cake'

Office lunch thief eats birthday cake meant for employee's daughter, employee loses it: 'Your boss ate the cake'

Pregnant employee gets even with nosy coworkers, effectively offloading work and starting maternity leave early: 'I'm due tomorrow but they say it could take a while'

Pregnant employee gets even with nosy coworkers, effectively offloading work and starting maternity leave early: 'I'm due tomorrow but they say it could take a while'

Employee finds his job posting online, goes to HR and gets boss fired: 'Maybe you aren't a good fit here'

Employee finds his job posting online, goes to HR and gets boss fired: 'Maybe you aren't a good fit here'