
work shifts

Judge gets even with local hotel owner for telling worker he'll fire him if he attends jury duty: ‘You can’t fire him because I say so'

Judge gets even with local hotel owner for telling worker he'll fire him if he attends jury duty: ‘You can’t fire him because I say so'

Don't mess with a judge. Bosses think they can get away with anything, and technically, they can get away with a lot, but they can't get away with messing with a judge. The person who attempted this was a hotel owner who told his maintenance worker that he was to do ‘whatever it takes’ to get out of jury duty. He then promptly told the worker that if he failed to do so, he would be fired. The worker was fine with serving, but he was scared of losing his job, so when he was called up to court, h…
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‘Our agreement doesn’t apply': Employee quits and gets reimbursed for $21,000 after boss insists they commute 200 miles a day for 2 years without compensation

‘Our agreement doesn’t apply': Employee quits and gets reimbursed for $21,000 after boss insists they commute 200 miles a day for 2 years without compensation

Too many bosses don't know or care to go through company policy. But a handful of them know exactly which rules will benefit them… and not their employees. You would think that a boss who purposely makes their employee drive 200 miles a day without being compensated should be fired. I find it hard to believe I'm the only one rooting for this dude's professional demise… So what happened? This boss lied to his employee and worse, manipulated them into commuting 200 miles a day for 2 entire years…
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'My work-life balance is so much better': Employees discuss a four-day work week with 10-hour shifts versus a five-day work week with 8-hour shifts, sparks debate

'My work-life balance is so much better': Employees discuss a four-day work week with 10-hour shifts versus a five-day work week with 8-hour shifts, sparks debate

Whether working from home or commuting to a physical spot, finding a work schedule that works for you is key. It's important to find that work-life balance. Some people want to stick with the usual eight-hour work day, Monday-Friday. However, many are finding much more benefit in the four-day work weeks that require more hours during the day…
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‘I went back to the station and quit’: Senior firefighter quits after 7 years after being written up by demanding manager

‘I went back to the station and quit’: Senior firefighter quits after 7 years after being written up by demanding manager

Paid or unpaid, it seems like the best workers always get terminated. I see this a lot in my line of work… People who work hard don't get a return on their endless commitment. Why bother putting in lots of effort if it goes unappreciated? It seems as though managers don't know how to keep their employees happy. This firefighter was volunteering at a local fire station for seven years when he finally had enough of upper management and their ridiculous demands. From asking him to work 28 twelve-h…
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‘I’m not coming in': Employee gets fired for refusing to come in on her day off, despite not agreeing to extra shifts

‘I’m not coming in': Employee gets fired for refusing to come in on her day off, despite not agreeing to extra shifts

Ungrateful bosses are a dime a dozen, and even more than that when you are working in customer service in retail. The turnover rate is high, employee satisfaction is low, and if you got a penny for every Karen you've crossed paths with, you would be so rich you wouldn't need a job. But life isn't all rubies and roses, or however you say it. You won't always love your job, let alone your boss. This employee had been working non-stop weekends and giving her all to her company, but it was not enou…
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‘I did as I was directed’: Camp bus driver leaves 40 blue-collar employees standing in the rain after a 12-hour shift

‘I did as I was directed’: Camp bus driver leaves 40 blue-collar employees standing in the rain after a 12-hour shift

People working blue-collar jobs are the entire reason our cities and homes are running, and they are a vital part of the system we've got pat down. Trust me when I say I've got a lot of respect for those folk… and yet, this story is still undeniably funny, because these workers in question got a pretty fair warning from OP, but ignored it, leaving them stranded in the rain after a grueling 12-hour shift. But wait, I'm getting a bit ahead of myself… so let me take a step back and start from the…
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