
‘Now I am working a job that pays me almost 50% more’: Manager scoffs at request for a raise, so employee leaves him high and dry

‘Now I am working a job that pays me almost 50% more’: Manager scoffs at request for a raise, so employee leaves him high and dry

‘I closed the largest deal in the history of my company, and still got fired’: Redditors who were fired discuss cons of ‘giving your all’ to your company

‘I closed the largest deal in the history of my company, and still got fired’: Redditors who were fired discuss cons of ‘giving your all’ to your company

'I rocked the boat when I refused my promotion': Employee finds out their company status reads ‘terminated’ after turning down several promotions from corporate, employee confronts manager

'I rocked the boat when I refused my promotion': Employee finds out their company status reads ‘terminated’ after turning down several promotions from corporate, employee confronts manager

Top Coworker Memes for Underpaid Employees Who Require PTO This Week (April 19, 2023)

Top Coworker Memes for Underpaid Employees Who Require PTO This Week (April 19, 2023)

antiwork toxic-workplace work-environment toxic-management r-antiwork toxic-boss workplace union-story Reddit - 20016901

'Buckle up, buckaroos!': Boss forces employee to clock out early to get paid less, tenacious employee busts out contract clearly stating he HAS to get paid for a full day regardless

Realtor Group Employees Make Hilarious Video Showing Their Boss Why They Need a Raise in This Economy

'We told our boss we deserve a raise and he said prove it': Realtor Group's Millennial Employees Make Hilarious Video Showing Their Boss Why They Need a Raise in This Economy

'Plot twist': Employee left to handle everything alone while boss vacations gets publicly called out during a work dinner, ends up getting praised

'Plot twist': Employee left to handle everything alone while boss vacations gets publicly called out during a work dinner, ends up getting praised

woman starts a new job with a millennial as a boss and she has never been happier working somewhere, before she had only worked with boomers and Gen-X as management and she says it was the worst

'Now THIS is a boss!:' Woman Who Has Only Had ‘Narcissistic & Psychotic’ Boomer and Gen-X Bosses Shares Refreshingly Professional Email From Her New Millennial Boss

Professional Consultant on TikTok Sparks Conversation About Red Flags in Managers

Professional Consultant on TikTok Sparks Conversation About Red Flags in Managers