
work drama

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‘They paid me $50,000… So, I [quit] and found more’: Company who denied a raise has to contract ex-salesforce admin back for 3x his old salary because they can't retain a new employee for more than 3 weeks

Ever heard the saying, “spending dollars to save pennies”? It means you're putting more effort in than you're actually getting out. So if you spend $5 to save .50¢, it's not really a savings, is it? For some reason, this doesn't compute to some companies when it comes to power play. They'd rather seem like the one that holds all the power than give you a raise. One post on the subreddit r/sysadmin has the comment section of a lifetime. They asked if anybody had quit a tech job where the company…
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'I picked up my bags and left': Shy 21-year-old salesgirl keeps getting unfairly reprimanded by her older manager, so she quits on the spot

If you are riddled with anxiety and think of yourself as a shy person (like many people in the world), then sometimes it's hard to do things that you know will benefit you. Sometimes you just want to drop everything and walk away like it never even happened. For example, putting in your two weeks. In this case on Reddit, this salesgirl was only 21 years old and very very shy. Apparently, the optical store she works out asks for a two-month notice, which is insane. Luckily, that is just the cour…
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‘I had been sleeping in the office’: Software administrator rescues company's data from hackers, only gets $625 and is offered a below-market raise, so he quits

‘I had been sleeping in the office working nonstop’: Software administrator rescues company's data, only gets $625 and a below-market raise, so he quits

Too often do employees give company's their 100%, only to get the company's 1% in return. It really sours your view on job searching. You want to find the job of your dreams and make a fulfilling career out of it, but if they people running it are just using and abusing you, then it might be time to move on to big and better things. That's exactly what this software administrator did, as explained in their two-parter Reddit post. Their initial post was from several years ago, when they were fir…
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'He got a promotion... by getting fired': Programmer gets fired to caught costs, has to be rehired a month later since he coded their entire system, gets better position and pay

'He got a promotion... by getting fired': Programmer gets fired to caught costs, has to be rehired a month later since he coded their entire system, gets better position and pay

You never know what you have until you lose it. This saying is usually used when talking about heartbreak, but in this case, it's about a useful employee. A reddit post shared an epic return on a computer programmer who got fired. This person was fired because the nefarious manager that nobody liked said he could find someone who could do his job for cheaper and he needed to cut costs. The programmer was upset, mostly because he loved the job and had put a lot of his sweat and time into it, but…
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'I was going to give you my 2 week's notice today, but I'm just done': Non-profit director quits on the spot, provides manager with a list of all their incompetence

'I was going to give you my 2 week's notice today, but I'm just done': Non-profit director quits on the spot, provides manager with a list of all their incompetence

Quitting isn't usually as explosive as the movies make it seem. It's not usually just someone at their wits end completely losing it and leaving all the burned bridges in their path. Usually, people planning on quitting try to take the high road and will put in a two week's notice and try to wrap things up so there are no loose ends after they leave, etc. etc. That is totally out of professionalism and not because you have to. But sometimes, it really is that abrupt. When you are working for so…
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Workplace Lunch Thief Gets Boobytrapped With Prescription-Grade Laxatives Hidden in His Coworker's Sandwich; Gets Taught a Lesson That's Hard to Digest

We all get hangry around lunch time in the workplace. Clients are tedious, your boss is on your back, and you've been dreaming about your leftovers in the fridge all morning. That's when ultimate disappointment and betrayal comes and hits you like a hangry slap in the face– your lunch was stolen.
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'It's voluntary, but has a "mandatory" vibe': Temp employee gets harangued for refusing to contribute a $25 donation for his boss's birthday lunch; goes straight to HR

When employees are struggling to get a raise, fighting for overtime pay, nitpicking for a day more of PTO, it really grinds their gears when the out of touch boss asks THEM for money. However, as we all know, the audacity of C-level management and supervisors knows no bounds.
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