
work drama

‘It sent me over the edge': Employee returns after maternity leave just to quit and put in her 30-day notice, other mothers show support and share their own rage-quit stories

‘It sent me over the edge': Employee returns after maternity leave just to quit and put in her 30-day notice, other mothers show support and share their own rage-quit stories

In this case, the support of a loving husband can only go so far. It's greatly appreciated and needed, but he has never been in your shoes. Luckily, the internet is here to connect anybody with support from others who have been exactly where you are!
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'I feel mortified': 28-year-old panic-quits dental assistant job after getting nearly 0 training, then gets rejected to work at a cafe for being “too old”

'I feel mortified': 28-year-old panic-quits dental assistant job after getting nearly 0 training, then gets rejected to work at a cafe for being “too old”

“At the same time, I probably dodged a bullet because what a weird requirement! Do they just fire anyone who turns 25??”
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9 to 5 Memes for Employees Ready to Clock Out

9 to 5 Work Memes for Employees Ready to Clock Out

“Humans are creatures of habit." Bla, bla, bla, whoever said that was not talking about going to work.
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'Two can play that game...': Overworked hotel employee gets even with upper management following their refusal to accommodate his medical condition

'Two can play that game...': Overworked hotel employee gets even with upper management following their refusal to accommodate his medical condition

The business world is cruel. They take great pride in their well-known motto, which emphasizes the value of family and how they treat their staff as one large, happy family. But when the chips are down, who gets pushed aside first? Yes, exactly. Think about that for a moment. The story that follows is from a dissatisfied hotel employee. At the time of the incident, OP had been managing multiple duties. He drove the shuttle for one of the airline crews and was responsible for loading and unloadi…
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‘I had enough of her’: Banker threatens to quit but stays for a generous raise, puts in her two weeks shortly after anyways when new manager brings her to tears

Sometimes you need to quit because you're not getting paid enough for the work you do. Sometimes you are getting paid well for the work you do, maybe even over the usual market value for your position, but if the work environment is making you miserable, you still need to quit. Obviously, it's up to you, do whatever you want, but are you seriously okay with having to endure such a volatile place for such a a huge chunk of your life? One banker said enough is enough. She had been working at this…
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'After 20 minutes of him talking... I put in my two weeks': Employee quits during his yearly meeting, gets reprimanded for not cutting his boss off sooner

Sure, we all know the basic societal niceties—say please and thank you, don't interrupt someone when they're talking, chew with your mouth closed, let pregnant women and senior citizens have the seat on the bus, etc. But when is it appropriate to stand your ground and overstep those normal “niceties?" Well, according to Reddit , it's when you're quitting. This employee made the decision to himself that he was going to quit months ago. The job was all kids of messed up internally, and he was get…
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'Saving [that] sinking ship was impossible': 30+ ways to professionally explain why you 'jumped ship' so quickly at your last job during an interview

Well, it's happened. You have probably read about it countless times online, but never thought it would happen to you. It turns out the job you just started working for was not at all how they said it would be. In fact, it's a total dumpster fire and the job description you discussed during your interview is basically non-existent. So what do you do? You can either quit in a fury, dock the job from your resume, and hope the bridges you burned on your way out don't come back to haunt you. Or you…
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horrible-boss, how-to-quit, trans-employee, smiling-at-work, smiling-when-nervous, fidget-spinners, fidget-spinners-for-professionals

'I was smiling/laughing too much': Dude decides it's time to update his resume when boss calls him in for a 1:1 just for smiling

You know how your mom is always nitpicking your outfit or your older sibling can call you out on any little thing you think isn't even noticeable. Now, imagine that happening to you every day at work.Sounds like the worse, huh? That's what this Redditor is going through currently. OP says he's the nervous type and tends to smile and/or laugh when he gets heightened emotions. This can come out when they're having meetings. If it's a video meeting and he's on mute, then it's possible to get it co…
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assisted-living-facility, reddit, failblog, toxic-workplace, best-way-to-quit, quitting-in-a-fury, funny-quit-story, satisfying-quit, laughing

‘The place looked barren’: Beloved coworker quits and coworkers encourage her to take back everything she ever bought for the workplace, boss threatens to sue and she laughs in their face

We're humans—we're going to try and make the best of any situation. That includes having to work in horrible conditions because we need the money to pay our rent and bills. The truth is, however, is that you can spruce up your work area as much as you like—put up artwork, throw a rug down here and there, and keep the fridge stocked—but if you aren't being treated well as an employee, you should quit. And that is exactly what this Redditor did after trying her best to make her work situation a c…
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salon-employee, salon-employee-quits, bad-boss, employee-quits-through-text, wage-theft, employees, workplace

'I'm quitting... Over text": Sketchy salon owner blows up at stylist for being 15 minutes late, gives her an ultimatum, so stylist peaces out

Never be afraid to confront a sketchy boss. Seriously, in this day and age, in this economy, it truly behooves you to take initiative like that for your own well being. That's the advice this professional hairstylist needs right now. On reddit , she posts about the awful and very sketchy things the salon owner, her boss, keeps pulling. And in her good nature, she doesn't want to think the worst of her boss. But it's very clear to any reader, that this boss is pulling some nefarious things—the t…
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dentist-boss, entitled-dentist, dental-hygienist-career, dentist-office-work, dental-hygienist-work, satisfying-quitting-story

'[I and] half of my offices' staff quit': Boss dwindles benefits for his employees down to almost nothing, winds up losing the entire team

Have you ever had such an arrogant boss that it was laughable? Like, how comically pompous of an entitled boss can you be? The boss from the Office Space style? Or like, Jennifer Aniston from Horrible Bosses? Apparently, dentists have a bit of a reputation for over estimating their worth as a boss. A dental hygienist on reddit shared the story of how he and his coworkers all quit at the same time after their dentist boss tried to pull some shady move. They were already working for bare minimum,…
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quitting-is-fun, rage-quitting, loud-quitting, walking-out-on-the-job, entitled-manager, taken-down-a-peg, the-audacity, jobs, reddit, failblog

‘Who do they expect to put up with that for mere pennies?’: Drugstore employee gets reprimanded for taking 3-minute bathroom break, quits on the spot

Have you or a loved one experienced audacity? You may be entitled to financial compensation—act now! For real though, real real talk, where do these people get this amount of audacity? A Redditor recently posted about working a minimum wage job and getting in trouble for taking a 3-minute bathroom break. This feels like audacity on a whole different level. Apparently, the were working at a drugstore that rhymes with fall-beans, at the register. The had to use the restroom, so they asked a cowor…
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boss how to quit work drama employee fired manager passively fired work story workplace environment i quit quit on the spot satisfying quitting story fired through text quitting work workplace quitting story passive firing quitting workplace story - 22866693

‘Did I just get fired?’: Retail employee isn't scheduled for 3 weeks, wonders if she's being passively fired, internet suggest she just quit

So, you finally landed a job—congrats! You've done a few days of training already and now you're ready to get into the nitty gritty of it. But, oh wait, what's this? You aren't on the schedule… You ask again and again when you're working, and nothing. Then they slap you with the “not on the schedule for multiple weeks.” Unfortunately, this is all too familiar a situation in careers like customer service and retail. One retail employee recently took to Reddit in the midst of confusion when she w…
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boss how to quit work drama employee fired manager work story workplace environment i quit quit on the spot satisfying quitting story quitting work workplace hostess quitting story quitting workplace story service industry restaurant job - 22775557

'She called 8 times in the run of 24 hours:' Restaurant employee no-call/no-shows for her shifts, refuses to believe the manager when he tells her she's fired

Oh no, if it isn't the consequences of your actions! What a surprise… NOT. Yeah, I brought back that joke. Because it truly should not be a surprise. When you do something, like flake on committed plans, then you're going to have to suffer the consequences of your actions. Funny enough, this employee was aghast when she was faced with the outcome of her actions. She no-called/no-showed for her restaurant shift. If you don't t know what that is, it's basically self-explanatory. It's when you don…
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salesforce admin boss failblog how to quit work drama employee manager work story workplace environment tech employee working tech i quit quit on the spot it sysadmin satisfying quitting story quitting work workplace Reddit quitting story tech jobs quitting workplace story - 22708741

‘They paid me $50,000… So, I [quit] and found more’: Company who denied a raise has to contract ex-salesforce admin back for 3x his old salary because they can't retain a new employee for more than 3 weeks

Ever heard the saying, “spending dollars to save pennies”? It means you're putting more effort in than you're actually getting out. So if you spend $5 to save .50¢, it's not really a savings, is it? For some reason, this doesn't compute to some companies when it comes to power play. They'd rather seem like the one that holds all the power than give you a raise. One post on the subreddit r/sysadmin has the comment section of a lifetime. They asked if anybody had quit a tech job where the company…
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r/workadvice boss failblog how to quit work drama employee manager work story workplace environment i quit quit on the spot satisfying quitting story quitting work workplace Reddit quitting story quitting workplace story - 22681861

'I picked up my bags and left': Shy 21-year-old salesgirl keeps getting unfairly reprimanded by her older manager, so she quits on the spot

If you are riddled with anxiety and think of yourself as a shy person (like many people in the world), then sometimes it's hard to do things that you know will benefit you. Sometimes you just want to drop everything and walk away like it never even happened. For example, putting in your two weeks. In this case on Reddit, this salesgirl was only 21 years old and very very shy. Apparently, the optical store she works out asks for a two-month notice, which is insane. Luckily, that is just the cour…
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