

malicious-compliance reddit software-engineer tech ceo boss manager screenshots screenshot fired quitting work work-drama

'I pulled up the screenshot': Boss tries to blame poor executive choices on his software engineer; gets ousted when their CEO discovers who actually lost their biggest client

Screenshots are king. These are the only irrefutable evidence that can shut down any argument in the blink of an eye– there's no need for anymore he-said/she-said, we've got all the proof we need right here. Usually in people's love life, screenshots can demolish a toxic relationship in an instant, but in the workplace, a well-timed screenshot can save your hide… and your career.
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super-intendant school principal work-drama board-of-education work place teachers public schools toxic-boss education-employee teacher-work-story working-in-a-school working-in-education - 21185797

Update: ‘I [had] every intention to fully resign’: Teacher tries to quit due to overbearing Karen boss, but super intendant throws enticing curveball in teacher's best interest

Being a teacher in the U.S. is not the best paying job these days. Was it ever? There might have been a time when you could be a public school teacher and afford your own home, but these days, not many jobs—especially government jobs—provides that “luxury.” So, as one would expect, not many people are opting for those kinds of jobs. So schools are becoming more and more desperate for teachers. Unfortunately, it took getting desperate for many upper managements in the education system to be forc…
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poor-comedic-timing getting fired cringe-coworker fired work-drama workplace-story work-joke-fail coworkers cringe cringe-work-story fired-on-the-spot comedy workplace cringeworthy - 21071621

'I find out she was in the middle of being fired': Coworker cracks friendly joke, unbeknownst to him it was during the most inconvenient moment

They say comedy is all about timing. You never really know if that's true until you experience a poorly timed joke. For example, depending on the audience's vibe, it's always time for a joke at a comedy stand up show. However, if you're at a funeral and you're asked to say a few words—again, depending on the crowd—that's usually a bad time to crack a joke. Those are pretty obvious examples of comedic timing. A new example has come from a Reddit story . The OP truly made very very poor comedic t…
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pto wfh malicious compliance freak out work drama work from home corporate manager micromanager micromanagement boss horrible ceo the worst fail work sucks

'I guess we're off then': Hardworking Hybrid Team Gets Payback on Micromanaging Boss After A Vicious Attack On Their Productivity

For decades, office employees have been prisoners of their cubicle, pretending to “work” whenever their boss walks by. Ever since the pandemic, a lot of jobs have realized the practicality of adjusting office scheduling and having their employees work remotely. Even though employees that work from home save costs for their company and are typically more productive, for some reason, companies are resistant to the idea. Perhaps they're obsessed with micromanagement? Managers either don't trust th…
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couple who work together get pushed to the brink of divorce after boss has the husband secretly help push his own wife out of a huge company deal, wife deliberates quitting and divorcing

'She's been utterly betrayed by her entire office and her husband:' Entitled boss brings married employees to the brink of quitting and divorcing after getting husband to secretly push wife out of huge company deal

Dating a co-worker has never worked in the system. If you have experienced this, then you know, it always tends to get messy. But when you are married, working with your hubby doesn't seem too bad. As long as you aren't driving each other nut in the office, then it could work. Until it doesn't. A happily married couple that are also coworkers are now on the bring of divorce because of the actions of their boss. Both the hubby and wifey work in upper management and felt confident in their jobs.…
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One day the field rep called because he didn’t like how we’d answered an email. Not that we hadn’t answered it, just that he didn’t like the manner in which it had been answered. After decades of dealing with this shipper, being micromanaged to that level was not something that we were interested in.

'You should fire us!.. Ok.': Freight company follows through on client's empty threat, calls their bluff and stops servicing them

There's a prevalent school of thought that prevails when it comes to client servicing: Do anything (and everything) possible to keep them happy and contracted; having worked in these sectors in the past, upper management never likes seeing a contract cancellation notice pass across their desk, even if that contract was costing the business money.
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scam company gets laughed in their face during an interview

'What kind of BS company is this?': Company charges employees $50 bi-weekly to work from home, man hilariously goes off during group interview

“Any questions this far?” * Bursts into hysterical laughter *
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You're going to assign me to make balloon animals at a site with no kids? OK, I'll just do my job

Malicious Compliance: Balloon Artist Inexplicably Assigned to Bar With No Children Makes "Lewd Balloon Animals" Instead

When this balloon artist upset the wrong person, they found themselves repeatedly assigned to a location lacking the usual clientele. To the establishment's horror, they decided to take matters into their own hands and began making lewd balloon animals, which were a smash hit. Redditor u/Shaftway shared this story today to Reddit's r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit. A subreddit where people share stories about “People conforming to the letter, but not the spirit, of a request.” As evident in the…
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