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'I'm not driving 250 miles to look at some soil': Gardener shares wildflower seeds with a fellow hobbyist, they demand an in-person follow up when the seeds don't grow

Gardening is a challenging, yet rewarding, hobby that some people were born to do. However, if you're as horticulturally hopeless as I am, you'd know that it's a gift to have a green thumb. Personally, I'm the kind of gal who accidentally kills every house plant that crosses the threshold of my home and I am certainly not a green-thumbed individual– but at least I know my limits when it comes to garden work!
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'Guerilla warflowers': Guy gets payback by scattering thousands of wildflower seeds on their neighbor's lawn after she reports them to the HOA for having an ugly yard

Picking a fight with your neighbors can be tricky business. You run the risk of starting an all-out war with people you can never avoid and there's rarely ever any reward– except of course, when you can use the power of nature (and plausible deniability) to get the sweetest revenge on a Karen next door.
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