
Looks Like Dad's Officially Lost It

dad singing the Beatles why - 6514247680

Say it Best When Nothing is Said

broken why - 6507758336
Created by jokr112

Sharing is Not Caring

grandma why - 6500732928

Dating Fails: Forever Dreaming Alone

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Taco Bell Is Smarter Than You

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Created by Unknown

Engrish Funny: Pedobear Approved!

Hall of Fame pedobear sexual harassment why - 6210248192

Poorly Dressed: GET THEM OFF OF ME!

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Is this More or Less Fashionable than Wearing a Shoe?

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I Really Need a New Perscription

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Via If Style Could Kill

Poorly Dressed: That's Was the Only Way She'd Be Described as Finger Lickin' Good

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Yes. Yes It Is.

why - 5895757568
Created by Unknown

Regrets N' Good God Why Did You Do That

foot tattoos why - 5884690176
Created by RainPranceGusta

Mustaches Go On Your Face. Not Anywhere Else On Your Body

mustaches why - 5474824448

Bros: I beg to differ. They look pretty dumb to me.

why - 5765647616
See all captions Created by epetrie

At least the Catholic church potty trains

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