

Twitter thread 6 month wall of pandemic | Dr Aisha Ahmad @ProfAishaAhmad 6 month mark any sustained crisis is always difficult have all adjusted this "new normal but might now feel like running out steam. Yet, at best are only 1/3 way through this marathon can keep going? THREAD /x

Twitter Thread: Mentally Dealing with 6 Months of Global Crisis

Weird times, man.
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wholesome tumblr dragon story pun | Early one morning pull down favourite cup, only find small dragon, curled up and sleeping contentedly inside. archmarastyden Confused and still half asleep take cup outside empty dragon carefully onto grass, then return rinse cup and make coffee next morning he is back, curled snuggly inside cup as before and repeat process.

Wholesome Tumblr Dragon Story Makes Way for Dumb Pun

It's nice.
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people on subway singing Sweet Caroline together heartwarming awesome video

Man Plays "Sweet Caroline" In Boston Subway, Everyone Loves It

Naturally, the Bostonians were all about it.
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Funny advertisement for public library

Ad for Public Library Is Better Than It Should Be

Thanks, Curbside Larry.
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A Twitter thread about a guy's classmate teaching him lesson in selflessness | Thomas McFall @thomas_mcfall Hey guys knowl usually just post shitty jokes on my Twitter but bear with because wanted share something

Guy's Classmate Teaches Him Lesson In Selflessness

Too sweet.
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Wholeseome, nice and positive memes | My wife took our cat vet and my son told vet his toy dinosaur feeling bad, so vet gave an X-ray

Wholesome Memes for a Little Boost

Sometimes things can be alright.
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wholesome signs of true friendship | ridiculoys don't have talk 24/7 know there each other no matter And do see/talk each other again s like no time has passed at all just have more stories tell.

Wholesome Green Flags of True Friendship

That's the good stuff.
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Sally Pearson athlete wholesome interview

Aussie Woman Gives Wholesome Sports Interview

Some inspiring stuff right here.
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twitter thread about adopting a stray cat | Connor Manning @AConnorManning Made friends with most affectionate street cat

The Saga of A Cat Getting Itself Adopted

It's a wholesome timeline.
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Twitter thread ruth bader ginsberg | Scott Hershovitz @shershovitz Today happy RBG memory time talked her into talking trash OT06 clerks had fantasy baseball league. Some chambers had teams. Some individual clerks did. And Justice Alito wanted team himself, not his clerks. 1/11 38 t7 1K 3.4K Scott Hershovitz @shershovitz 6h last week term Ginsburg clerks were matched against Alito's team. RBG on losing end lot term. s Not this time destroyed him: 10-0.

Twitter Thread: The Time Ruth Bader Ginsberg Talked Smack

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Keanu Reeves interview Bill and Ted conspiracy theories

Interviewer Mixes Up Keanu Reeves' Character, Loses All Cred

That's a whoops.
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A Twitter thread about a student looking up their impactful teacher on Twitter | Raifa Rafiq @RaifaRafiq OMFG! Guys. There literally teacher at school who loved so dearly (English teacher she left year 10) and don't even know why but randomly decided do internet stalkies because l've always wanted find her and thank her because gosh l love her.

Twitter Thread: Student Finds Life Changing Teacher On Twitter

The good teachers really make a difference.
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Tumblr thread on wholesome security team who saved office's plants | wafflesrisa Here's something cute lockdown happened UK happened very suddenly. At law firm work at, our office building emptied overnight everyone told work home. No time clear our desks, no time bring office plants home. Fast forward three and half months everyone assumes their plants are dead. But then! An email goes round s turns out one our security guards is florist, and

Wholesome Security Team Saves Office Plants

Plants secured.
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People describe their most wholesome experiences with strangers | Greenfireflygirl had knock on my door and opened there stranger with gift card local garden store Apparently her kid had been pinching tulips my garden every day give his mom and they wanted pay them, once they figured out whose garden they were coming had thought squirrels were doing and had regretted planting them year before, not being able enjoy them spent gift card on more bulbs!

People's Most Wholesome Experiences With Strangers

Sometimes human beings are awesome.
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Twitter thread School friend asks dumb questions to help anxious friend | baileyanastas @baileyanastas had this girl my class and she considered be like REALLY DUMB. She'd ask ton questions class, which everybody would consider be "stupid"and "silly" and even teachers would often taunt her but she'd never stop asking.

Twitter Thread: Loyal Friend Bears Ridicule to Help Friend in School

There's some quality friendship.
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Students prank their teacher, and the teacher ends up having the last laugh | r/ProRevenge mikebwn_80 Students pranked had last laugh spent about 10 years teaching high school humanities at small private school my first two years didn't have classroom, just small office would bring needed each class on cart and go room room, depending on which teacher had prep at any given time. This incredibly inconvenient and, not being most organized teachers begin with, made things difficult keep

Wholesome Revenge: Students Prank Teacher, Teacher Has Last Laugh

Wholesome revenge is the way to go.
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