

Failbook: What's the Female Version of Badass? 'Badassette?' Still Just 'Badass?'

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Best Soup EVER

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After 12: Whiskey is the Nectar of the Gods

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But Most Importantly, Whiskey

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Now You Really Can Brush Your Teeth With It!

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Oo, Whuskay! Ah Love Yae Soo Much!!!

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After 12: Drink ALL the Liquors!

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After 12: Whisk Your Troubles Away!

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One Review From Sir Winston Doucheington IV, the Other Courtesy of Chad From Beta Rho Omega

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After 12: Sneaky, Sneaky!

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Can I Work Here Instead? Please?

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After 12: What You're Saying With Your Drink Choice

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Via College Humor

Crunk Critters: Kitteh Traiz to Forget Teh Painz

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Add Some "Sky" to Your Johnnie Walker

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After 12: Have a Whiskey That's Cold as Balls!

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Crunk Critters: Fetch!

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