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"It's a Living" of the Day: This Man in China Gets Paid to Get Punched All Day Long

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You Know, That Impoverished State on the East Coast

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Via Viral Nova

The Last Name Here is Incredibly Misleading

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Created by crazyjae

Somebody Needs to Give This Guy Some Directions

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Via maemae810

High Level Political Discourse Courtesy of Satirical Fan Pages

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Via Bro, We Are Teens, Problem?

Never Mind the Message, Why is the Queen Here?

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Via i-am-solo-dolo

Ever Been so Drunk Your Mom Stole a Car?

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Via NY Mag

Just a Quick Reminder: Cher is Still on Twitter, and She is Still Certifiably Insane

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And You Will Know for I Am the LORD, and I Will Like and Retweet This

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Via Kemakill
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A Man in a Stolen Truck Claiming to be God Went Nuts and Rammed a Building. Just One of Those Days, Right?

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Curse You, Combination Locks!

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Via Buy it here!

Cotton-Fresh Social Media Power

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How Exactly Does This Go Missing?

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This is the Kind of Person You Keep as a Friend Just to Hear the Nuttiness

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Ryan Beitz is Determined to Own Every VHS Copy of "Speed" Ever Printed

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This is Like, Totally the Most Radical Surfing Interview, Bro

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