

Weird moments of copies in real life and other things that look like a real life glitch | person in a grey patch coat that matches the brick road they're walking on. cat with striped fur in a pattern that looks like a cat's head

Visually Interesting Images that Look Like Real-Life Glitches

Strange moments and coincidental patterns.
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Stories and moments of children being strange idiots | yahoo answers Undecided Question Dumbest rumor heard about yourself? asked by neleigh Vote Best Answer Answerer 1 middle school people were saying home schooled. Even though went school.

Proof that Children are Strange and Stupid

They learn. Slowly.
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Weird Burger king commercial features a man eating a hamburger like a snake.

Guy Eats Like A Snake In Old Korean Burger King Commercial

It has its own song.
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A strange and dark Public Service Announcement featuring Cats the Musical made in the 80s.

"Cats" Driving PSA from the 80s is Freaky and Vividly Dark

A lot of strange choices were made.
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Askreddit of people who had strange house rules growing up | posted by anxiousjellybean My mum used pay be my own babysitter between ages 10-14 or so rule as long as didn't make mess and put myself bed by time she got home then got $10 morning.

House Rules People Thought Were Normal Until They Grew Up

You take a lot of things for granted as a kid.
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A collection of people sharing their weirdest experiences that would fit on the show "The X-Files." | post by Dtcomat baby ball socks flew across room and hit my dad after he yelled at .

The Most X-Files Experiences People Have Had

The world's a lot creepier than we give it credit for.
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Doctor asks where to defibrillate a centaur | tweet by FredWuMD Serious question medtwitter: If show up at code, and patient is centaur who had cardiac arrest, ignoring joules question, where do think defib pads should go assuming heart is human part, or B, assuming heart is horse part

Doctor Asks How to Deal with Centaur Cardiac Arrest

Or maybe, centaurdiac arrest?
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Funny kids being stupid and weird | Trev97 just remembered got my first dog 7 and he 1 (7 dog years) and cried he turned 2 because didnt think 14 year old dog would wanna hangout with

Moments That Show How Kids Are Dumb Little Wierdos

It's not necessarily their fault.
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A collection of funny questions and comments from people on Quora | My son thinks he has 20 girlfriends can tell him anime girls do not actually exist and he needs find real girlfriend? He is 36 years old.

Insane Moments From The Curious World Of Quora

Quora never fails to make us go "yikes."
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A collection of AskReddit replies to the creepiest glitches people have experienced in the world | post by gninnep Lost my keys while over at friend's house and using spare almost week. Found them sitting driver's seat parked at my own place, miles away where lost them.

The Creepiest Glitches People Have Experienced

Nothing like a glitch in the matrix to turn your world upside down.
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Stories of times people got too much information | post by MylesWithay Ok, Starbucks barista here working drivethru and some lady comes asking an iced coffee with heavy cream pay no mind as 's not even close my weirdest order. She gets window and starts trying explain motifs behind getting this drink By way not getting this caffeine constipated

People Who Got Wild TMI from Near Strangers

Some folks are just more comfortable sharing, apparently.
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A collection of bizarre things that we should leave behind in 2019 | tweet by xpocathomas #BizarreThingsToLeaveln2019 Everything buy coming with bunch extra trash wrapped around SELECTED BANANAS

Bizarre Things To Leave In 2019

It's time to leave the worst of it behind to make room for 2020's curveballs.
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Trashy selfish moments of cringe and fail | So by now spent all my daughter's college fund money on my Monat Business (link bio felt guilty and 's been rough start, but know one day climb top and my daughter will thank later once Monat makes millionaire. stay positive boss babes. if does no t if Bathroom mare than 10 minutes. Stin K. Empleyees 9 Smell checu will name uill be Be co mple ted ensure employee not Siting on phone Reporked o ofice

Trashy Moments That Belong in Garbageland

Trashiness can arise in every level of society.
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Strange, weird and awkward gifts people got.

Awkward and Weird Gifts People Received

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news wtf birds strange interesting cowboy hat cowboy pigeons weird - 100777729

News Reports Mystery of Pigeons with Cowboy Hats

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strange awesome crabs silly funny weird Video - 100668161

Crab Voiceover is Weirdly On Point

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