
'This is the first time I have ever asked to have some time off': Boss tells nanny to miss sister's wedding to watch her two kids instead

'This is the first time I have ever asked to have some time off': Boss tells nanny to miss sister's wedding to watch her two kids instead

'[He] doesn't understand the consequences': Boss wants IT worker to shut down company emails all weekend, quickly realizes he locked himself out

'[He] doesn't understand the consequences': Boss demands IT worker shut down company emails all weekend, quickly regrets locking himself out

20+ Workplace memes for employees who can't wait for the weekend

20+ Workplace memes for employees who can't wait for the weekend

'I'm not coming': Boss demands employee join unpaid weekend team building, employee refuses

'I'm not coming': Boss demands employee join unpaid weekend team building, employee refuses

weekend tgif weekday weekday-warriors monday friday friday-night happy-hour corporate work work-memes memes relatable relatable-work-memes lol zoom work-from-home working

Top TGIF Memes for Employees Running on Empty Who Need it to be the Weekend ASAP

'I've usually got like 40 missed calls': Coworkers guilt-trip employee who refuses to answer boss's calls on the weekends

'I've usually got like 40 missed calls': Coworkers guilt-trip employee who refuses to answer boss's calls on the weekends

MIL shows up announced EARLY in the morning on a weekend

'Her response was he doesn't love his family': Entitled MIL angered when son won't have unexpected early-morning visit with her

Party Fails For Folks Who Are Still Recovering From the Weekend

Party Fails For Folks Who Are Still Recovering From a Lit Weekend

20 'Sunday Scaries' Memes for Weekend Warriors Who Dread Monday Mornings

20 'Sunday Scaries' Memes for Weekend Warriors Who Dread Monday Mornings

weekend partying - 9060340480

Have Fun, Dude!


Cruise On Outta There

party funny image Get Ready for the Weekend

Get Ready for the Weekend

Cats dancing drinking gifs Image luigi party hard seizure simpsons space weekend - 5448113664

Jump Around And Party Party Party Party HARD

the weekend forecast of drunk

A Hell of a Forecast

FRIDAY Image TGIF Thursday weekend - 6213107200

Go Away, Thursday!

calendar facepalm weekend - 8436144640

In Some Ancient Cultures They Have Names for the Days on the Weekend