

Bride asks if she was in the wrong for letting husband's family skip vegan wedding

Carnivore Family Member Refuses To Attend Vegan Wedding, Bride Consults Reddit

Come on now.
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Bride demands that her destination wedding is child-free. | AITA insisting my destination wedding be child-free? Not hole After years dating my bf proposed and set off planning wedding. Our families are spread out across United States and there is no singular location would be convenient majority. With this mind chose state no one lives is central all but family on west coast. This location by water and since everyone traveling chose make more 'adult evening, open bar, loud music, no kids.

Bride Demands Destination Wedding Is Child-Free

The kids probably wouldn't be bummed.
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Spiteful Brother Schedules His Wedding On the same day as sister

Spiteful Brother Schedules His 'Shotgun' Wedding On the Same Date As His Sister's Wedding

Spiteful Brother Schedules His Wedding On the same day as sister
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wedding family one night stand - 15308037

Guy Has Most Awkward Elevator Ride Ever With His Family After An Obvious One Night Stand

Guy accidentally gets in the elevator with his family and grandparents after one night stand at wedding
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aita family feud wedding - 15250693

Entitled Brother Thinks His Kid Is the Exception to a “Child-Free” Wedding Invite

Sibling threatens not to go to his sisters wedding after finding out his kid is not the only exception.
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aita marriage relationships wedding in laws - 15985925

Daughter-In-Law Confronts Husband's Father and Step-Mother at Their Wedding Reception Over A Terrible Seating Chart

Everyone involved here is awful.
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crazy bride Crazy Brides friends wedding - 15968261

Bridezilla Uninvites Grieving Friend From Her Wedding Because of “Cultural”Requirements

It's no wonder you don't have many friends.
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stories about people's wedding objections

Awkward Wedding Objections That People Witnessed

Why wait until the last minute?
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entitled parent, wedding, parenting

Entitled Mom Keeps Trying to Push Her Hairdresser on Daughter for Daughter's Wedding, Gets Offended When She Rejects Them

Mom insists that her daughter uses her hairdresser for her wedding.
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guy borrows wife's money for sisters wedding dress and doesn't get it back

Dude Loans Sister 5K Of His Wife's Money, Doesn't Get It Back

Why'd you go and do that, bud?
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10 reddit text based images | thumbnail reddit text "My fiancé was attacked by a golden retriever when he was 11. While it wasn't physically severe, it did affect him mentally and he had to go to therapy to be comfortable around dogs. He is now fine around all dogs but golden retrievers. Because of this, my sister always visits us without her dog. She's usually fine to go out if she is with our mum and doesn't want to bring the dog, this is what my sister says not me assuming."

Woman Chastised For Not Inviting Dog To Wedding, Family Threatens Not To Come

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friend surprised friend won't pay to go to destination wedding

Friend Has Destination Wedding, Surprised That Friend Can't Afford It

Oh really?
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gluten free vegan wedding guest wants meal option catered to her

Gluten Free Vegan Plus One Wants Wedding Catered To Her

Oh boy.
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marriage relationships parenting wedding - 15515141

Delusional Husband Insists His Wife Should Stay Home With the Kids So He Can Attend HER Brother’s Wedding

This guy is so off-based when he insists his wife stays home with the kids so that he can attend her brother's wedding.
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relationships wedding family - 15488773

Woman Doesn’t Invite Sister to Her Wedding, Returns With Heartwarming Update Regarding Their Relationship

Woman doesn't invite her sister to her wedding but they work it out.
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Bridezilla tries to bail on catering the day before the wedding.

Bridezilla Attempts To Bail On Catering Day Before Wedding

Nice try on that one.
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