wedding drama

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16-year-old teen daughter backs out of sister's wedding because she doesn't like the $1000 dress fits, wants mom to pay for it

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16-year-old daughter wonders why she's not "celebrated" Mother tells her it's because she doesn't do anything: '[She] did not take it well'

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25-year-old cousin gets sued after throwing similarly-aged woman in pool ruining her brand-new $6k hearing aids: 'He refused to pay, so I took him to court. I won'

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Bride uninvites 25 family members from her halloween-themed "Corpse Bride" wedding after they try to usurp her theme 6 weeks before: 'I told them fine and canceled everyone['s] invitations'

20+ Dramatic Wedding Moments Forever Immortalized on Camera

20+ Dramatic Wedding Moments Forever Immortalized on Camera

Entitled Karen aunt steals food off of Maid of Honor's plate and and sends food back multiple times, accusations from serving staff set her off

‘Let me see it on camera’: Entitled aunt eats off of Maid of Honor's dinner plate and sticks her fingers in the caterer's sauces, then lies about it and demands to see video proof

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Woman wonders if she's wrong for letting her pregnancy news slip at friend's bridal shower: '[The bride] was upset that I announced my pregnancy at her bridal shower'

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21-year-old university student wonders if they're wrong for refusing to contribute to expenses while living at home with her parents: 'They feel that it is my duty to contribute to the household...'

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Nephews flush woman's $30,000 engagement ring and their father refuses to pay or offer any replacement: 'He has refused to pay'

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30+ Stunned wedding guests share the worst weddings they've ever attended: 'What's the worse wedding you’ve been to and what happened?'

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18-year-old abandons parents leaving them marooned on an island when they're late back to their Caribbean cruise: 'They would not head back to the ship when I said it was time to go'

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'I'm more important than you': Karen-in-law snaps when another guest has the same dress as her at the wedding

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Sister unknowingly names her child the name her sister wanted to use, family is divided in the ensuing argument: 'She burst into tears'

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Husband buys $160k worth of baseball cards behind his wife's back and doesn't think he's done anything wrong: 'He claims I'm trying to get even with him'

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Sister demands $100k as a wedding gift, says $20k is not enough: 'She's demanding I cover the full $100k cost [of the wedding]'

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Bride's woefully entitled brother thinks he is the exception to her "child-free" wedding: '[It's] causing divide in the family'