

 'I actually gave them the 33% they paid for': Clients refuse to pay web designer, designer takes back two-thirds of their website

'I actually gave them the 33% they paid for': Clients refuse to pay web designer, designer takes back two-thirds of their website

Contract work is for people with thick skin — just ask this person, who had to fight to get paid for their work . There's a reason freelance work has a reputation for being more effort than it's worth. It's clients like the woman in this story who make the job pretty thankless. U/No_Concept_9848 told this workplace story to r/MaliciousCompliance. As they wrote, they took on a job creating a brand new website for a client and her husband. They ran a frozen yogurt business and were looking to hav…
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'I redirected it to her closest competitor': Client refuses to pay for website, developer redirects domain to her competitor

There's something inherently risky about hiring someone to create undoubtedly the most important promotional tool for your business, only to turn around and refuse to pay them once you've accepted delivery of the product. It's almost like screwing someone over when it's something you don't understand is a bad idea… Who knew? Stories about developers getting back at clients who refuse to pay are deeply satisfying; there's this classic aspect to it of someone (the client) thinking they're holding…
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'Say goodbye to your business, house and reputation': Client refuses to pay developer for the website they built, developer pulls the thread holding the client's life together

Have you ever had a pesky stray string poking out of your new shirt or cardigan? It looks harmless enough—just a stray bit of material that accidentally got left over from the manufacturing process. Except, when you go to pull at it, its significance and integrity are suddenly revealed, leaving you looking the fool—with a bit of string in your hand and a gaping hole in your new shirt. That's a great metaphor for what happens when a cheat and a liar finally cross paths with the wrong target and…
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