
"He made me go out and buy him a new pair of underwear because he said his were 'unlucky'":  25+ People share the craziest things their millionaire bosses spent money on

"He made me go out and buy him a new pair of underwear because he said his were 'unlucky'": 25+ People share the craziest things their millionaire bosses spent money on

15 Egregious 'out of touch' comments people witnessed from the obscenely wealthy

15 Egregious 'out of touch' comments people witnessed from the obscenely wealthy

out of touch things people said

The Most Absurdly Out Of Touch Things People Have Heard

features that mean someone is rich

Features That Quietly Scream "I've Got Tons Of Money"

girlfriend hides her wealth and lies about lack of living expenses to struggling boyfriend

Wealthy-Privileged Girlfriend Lies About Her Lack of Living Expenses From Boyfriend For Two Years, Watches Him Struggle on Unemployment

Wealthy girlfriend enjoys wearing no clothing around her staff

Wealthy-Entitled Classist Girlfriend Thinks It’s Ok to Wear Little-To-No Clothing Around Her Staff, Doesn’t Care if She is Making Them Uncomfortable

rich people being out of touch

Twitter Users Describe Their Encounters With Rich People Being Wildly Out Of Touch

tumblr thread on rich people's empty mansions

Tumblr Thread: The Big, Weird Empty Mansions of Rich People

Karen tries to enslave employees

Rich Karen Tries To Turn Employees Into Indentured Servants, Loses

Twitter thread on "Ok Boomer" shows history and significance.

Twitter Thread Outlines Significance of "Ok Boomer" Phenomenon

Signs and stories about rich kids living off their parents

Frustrating Signs Someone Lives On Their Parents Money

Stuff rich people buy

Stuff Rich People Buy That Everyone Else Hardly Even Thinks About

askreddit stories about rich kids

25 Frustrating Examples of Spoiled Rich Kid Syndrome People Witnessed

how people realized they grew up poor

17 People Share What Made Them Realize They Grew Up Poor

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