
waiting tables

'Sorry, we're closed': Servers Share Most Entertaining Experiences Working at Restaurants

'Sorry, we're closed': Servers Share Most Entertaining Experiences Working at Restaurants

Coffee mugs rattle, silverware clinks, and the grill is sizzling. You weave your way through the packed tables, refilling customers' water and delivering steaming hot plates piled with burgers and fries. Ten years in the biz, and you've got this dance down to a T. Your muscle memory serves you well as the crowd thickens. You juggle orders, argue with the kitchen, and wish your coworkers cared about their tips as much as you do. Why does it seem like you're doing everything alone? By closing tim…
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'No added gratuity': Waiter demands to be compensated after getting stiffed on a $3,600 event, then quits when owner refuses

'No added gratuity': Waiter demands to be compensated after getting stiffed on a $3,600 event, then quits when owner refuses

"I used to be a server like you, and I've gotten stiffed by tables before. It just happens and you need to get used to it" were a restaurant owner's words when one of the waiters approached him after being stiffed on a $3,600 event. Talk about a good manager, huh? OP took to r/Serverlife after a frustrating incident at work happened, where he was forced to wait on a large party with a reservation booking in the restaurant's event room. Per usual, the restaurant was ridiculously understaffed, an…
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