

'Go home, mom': Family bands together to get even with grandma who used her spare key to enter their home without permission

'Go home, mom': Family bands together to get even with grandma who used her spare key to enter their home without permission

Another day, another family drama. One person, who we'll call OP, shared an entertaining story about their upstairs neighbors who got even with a family member of theirs who took it one step too far. OP lived in an apartment complex with two-story buildings and shared outdoor stairwells. Their upstairs neighbors were seemingly calm, chill people to whom they said hello once in a while. One day, OP's peaceful reading session was shattered by a commotion - shouts, running, pure family hysteria. E…
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Visiting Entitled Sister Throws Away $1000 Worth of Sibling's Food, Gets Kicked From House

Imagine having the audacity to throw out someone's food when you're a guest in their home. It doesn't matter who it is, that's just insane. Well, that's exactly what happened to u/Scared-Outside4725 when they invited their sister to come into their home. u/Scared-Outside4725 describes their relationship with their sister as not being very close, describing their feelings as being "apathetic love" towards one another. The sister recently had a job interview near their hometown where u/Scared-Out…
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