

tomatoes aita cook cooking sister-in-law banned husband chef house visit - 25120005

‘If you don’t keep an eye on her, she will get into the kitchen’: Woman spoils 40 pounds of tomatoes, gets banned from her SIL’s house

Tomatoes: what can’t they do? They’re the perfect food for making a BLT on a hot summer day. And for those cold winter nights, you can do what this chef did, and cook up a big pot of sauce . This person apparently also goes big or goes home, because she decided to cook up 40 pounds of tomatoes in one sitting. That’s well over 100 tomatoes—her recipe could’ve had 120 tomatoes or more, depending on their size. If you’re an experienced chef, making meals in huge batches is a great way to save time…
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'Aunt unknowingly ended her own financial support': Aunt pushes niece too far without knowing she's paying her expenses

'Entitled aunt... ended her own financial support': Aunt insults niece without knowing she's paying her expenses

A family dinner accidentally set off a major disagreement between an aunt and her niece. Families: can't live with ‘em, can’t live without 'em. No one knows how to push your buttons more than the people you grew up with. Sister is Ria, aunt is Jana
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Airbnb host left me an unfair review and it cost them hundreds

'Host left me an unfair review and it cost them hundreds': Guest gets 'blasted' in email from BNB host for bringing a dog to a pet-friendly home

This host played stupid games with his guests and won stupid prizes. This person had a pretty strange experience last time they travelled. As they shared to r/Pettyrevenge, the OP travelled out of town for a few days, and brought along their girlfriend and her pet dog . Since the place did permit pets, the OP thought it would be smooth sailing for the three of them. But upon meeting the owner of the Airbnb , there was an immediate issue. The host told them about a $25 dollar fee up front for br…
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AITA for not allowing BIL's family inside when they showed up unannounced?

'You sound like the only sane person in this entire narrative': Woman asks 'AITA?' for avoiding random late-night visit

Does your family ever show up to your house uninvited? And if so, what's the latest time they've ever shown up to your front door? This person wrote to r/AmItheA****** to ask about a tricky situation involving her husband's brother and family. Since they live two hours from each other, they don't see each other all the time. As the OP wrote on a throwaway account , the brother's family was in town for a celebration . That night the BIL, his wife, and their toddler showed up at the OP's house at…
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things non-Americans like about America

Peculiar Things Non-Americans Like About America

There are some upsides.
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