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The Black Hole Rap

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Can You Sneeze in Your Sleep

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Meanwhile in Russia of the Day: Just Try to Beat This Insane (Purposeful?) Parallel Parking Job

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Getting Drunk Created the First Polar Bear

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Someone Had a LOT Too Much to Drink

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Sorority Recruitment Videos Are Getting Weird

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Technology of the Day: The New OneWheel is the Next Best Thing to a Hoverboard

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Feel Good with Puppies, Horses and Beer

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Instant Karma of the Day: Swift Justice at a Red Light

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If Only All Safety Videos Were This Fun

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Did You Know of the Day: This Image Can Break Your Brain

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Inspirational Story of the Day: Boy With No Arms Plays the Trumpet

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Another Super Bowl, Another Bad Lip Reading of the NFL

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College Goalie Gives Up Game Winning Goal Because He Was Talking to Fans

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Rob Ford of the Day: New Video of Rob Ford Intoxicated Emerges

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